Story No. 159 – Flight to Abyssinia – modern day Ethiopia

Flight to Abyssinia – modern day Ethiopia The converts of the first four years were mostly humble folk unable to defend themselves against oppression. So cruel was the persecution they endured that Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) advised all who could possibly contrive to do so to immigrate to a Christian country, Abyssinia – modern day Ethiopia.


Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) had great faith in Ja’far, the son of Abu Talib and brother of Imam Ali (as). The handful of Muslim refugees including men and women under the leadership of Ja’far crossed the Red Sea. This is known to be the first migration in the history of Islam, which occurred in the 5th year after Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) had proclaimed Islam in 615 AD. They were joined by more immigrants who had become the victims of the enemies of Islam. The number of the refugees rose to 82 men and 18 women.