Funeral Handling

Just before dying – in hospital/hospice/home
  • Take rings/watch/necklace off
  • Recite quran and duas close to head
  • If you have to leave them alone overnight get an mp3 player with quran and duas next to him. all hospitals allow that
  • Gather all the belongings inc phone etc in one place or take them home
  • Start talking to graveyard to understand their requirements
  • Start talking to community centre for ghusl preparations
  • Dispose all unnecessary things in the hospital
  • Find the will of person and see if there are any of their wishes that can be fulfilled
  • Clean the person as much as possible
  • If in hospital, you can request nurse to transfer the person into a SIDE ROOM for family to see him easily
  • Ensure that you have a Power of Attorney for the person.
At the time of death
  • Close the eyes by moving palm from forehead down
  • Place hands on side
  • Ensure fingers are straight
  • Get hospital staff to take any canulas, cathetars, drips, bags etc off
  • Ask the GP (if died at home) or hospital ward to do the paperwork ASAP, remind them of islamic requirement of quick burial
  • Ward will send cause of death to Bereavement office
  • Bereavement office will send all paperwork to Medical Examiner. They will call next of kin to confirm
  • There is a possibility that a post-mortem is required to ascertain the cause of death. Note that you can opt for an MRI instead but some a post-mortem is still required after the MRI. Check with hospital is this process can be avoided on religious grounds
  • Medical Examiner will review and send to local council registrar
  • Registrar will make an appointment with next of kin to register death. This can be a telephone one and next available so can cause delays
  • There can be a delay between death registration and green form issue (required for burial).
  • After death registration, certificate can be issued but not needed for burial
  • Once you are sure when green form will be issued, arrange a burial time with graveyard. try to keep it at the last slot of the day as there are unavoidable delays sometime
  • Inform all family and friends of burial
Body storage
  • Deceased body will be taken to a mortuary soon after the relatives have been informed
  • All hospitals have different mortuary timings which can delay ghusl and ultimately delay burial
  • Call the hospital to check and then get to the mortuary to collect body in hearse
  • If personal belongings were not collected from hospital ward, they are sent to the mortuary
  • Mortuary will get the hearse driver/funeral director to sign the collection form
  • Arrange a maulana for talqeen, if not available anyone can do it
At the ghusl place
  • If there are delays in collection from mortuary, body can be stored in freezer at the community centre
  • If there are genuine reasons, body can stored in freezer for a maximum of 3 days
  • Follow islamic guidance of ghusl
  • If the person was COVID positive or died in hospital, extra precautions should be taken
  • If the graveyard requires coffin to be sealed, ensure kafan band are open and body facing qibla and earth under face
  • Leave enough time for namaz janaza and try to have a short masaib and noha before leaving for graveyard
  • Get 40 people to sign shahadat-nama to be kept within the kafan
  • Have a doctor available in case there are wounds or complex infections
  • Put quran on the phone while ghusl is being performed
  • Try putting karbala/najaf kafan and or burde yamani on top
If body needs to be transferred abroad (see these websites for details)

At the graveyard

  • Ensure you have a copy and original green form before leaving for the grave
  • You will be allocated a grave at time of booking
  • Ideally one family member should go and check everything is good before hearse leaving community centre
  • Sometime graveyard requires payment to diggers in cash at the time of burial
  • Take some thing to identify grave after burial, laminated name of marhoom
  • Try to have a short masaib and noha after burial and surah yasin recited during burial
  • Usually the date of Soyem is announced after burial
  • Sadqa and Namaze wahshat request
  • Community centre charges
  • Hearse transport
  • Body storage
  • Coffin box
  • Grave
  • Diggers (in some places)
  • Maulana hadiya
  • Death certificate (£11)