Infallibility of Prophet Adam PBUH


Prophets can sin but chose not to as they know the reality of sin

Prophets make themselves immune from sins and mistakes at all times

Prophets do not sin unintentionally or intentionally

Prophets do not sin all their life

Prophets do not sin whether performing Prophetic duties or in personal lives

Prophets do not sin because then God will not trust them with the message

Prophets do not sin otherwise people will lose trust in them

In Ziarat Waritha we say for Imam Hussain (a): Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Adam (a) the choice of Allah


Chapter 2 (Baqarah) verses 35-36

“We said, “O Adam, dwell with your wife in the garden and eat from it as many as you wish; but do not approach this tree, otherwise you will become one of the zalimeen” (2:35)

“But the Shaitan made them both fall from it, and caused them to depart from that (state) in which they were; and We said: Get forth, some of you being the enemies of others, and there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time” (2:36)


Chapter 20 (Ta Ha) verses 116-126

And [remember] when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam,” all of them prostrated except Iblis who refused and was haughty.

Therefore, We said, “O Adam! this [Shaytan] is an enemy to you and your wife. So do not let him expel you from the Garden, otherwise you will be uncomfortable (تشقى): in it [i.e., the Garden] you shall neither be hungry nor naked, and you shall neither be thirsty therein nor struck by the sun’s rays.”

But the Shaytan instilled temptation to him by saying, “O Adam! Shall I guide you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which will not decline?” When [they] both ate of that tree, their private parts became manifest to them and both of them started to cover themselves with the leaves of the Garden.

Adam disobeyed (عَصى ) his Lord, and so he erred (غوى). Then his Lord chose him, and then He turned to him and guided him.

[Then] Allah said [to Shaytan and Adam], “You both get down from this [Garden}, some of you being the enemies of the other. [On the earth], a guidance will certainly come to you from Me, and then whosoever follows My guidance, he shall not go astray nor will he be unhappy. But whosoever turns away from My reminder, then he shall surely have a wretched life and we shall resurrect him blind.”


Some proofs that Prophet Adam’s act was not a sin or a mistake:

A while ago God asked all inhabitants of the heaven to prostate before Adam. That shows his status

An action can be regarded as good or bad depending on the situation that leads to it. Not all bad actions result in a punishment

There was no concept of sin or reward at the time of this act in that place

Gods instruction was a recommendation not an order

The result of the action was not punishment but Adam and Eve losing their right to stay in Paradise for longer

Shaitan has accepted that he can’t mislead the devoted people of God

Adam was meant to be sent to earth anyway, if this was a punishment then after forgiveness he should have gone back

The word “Zalim” has four meanings: (a) to put something in a wrong place; (b) to oppress; (c) to make haste; and (d) to come to harm.

Adam repented because the act committed was not according to his status as a Prophet

Adam repented as he got inspired by Shaitan and chose the wrong option

This event happened when there were no other humans in the world apart from Adam and Eve and Adam realised straight away

The order given to Adam in Heaven is not same as the orders given to human beings in this world—it is disobedience of the orders given on this earth that constitutes sin

The word غَوَى means “he erred”. But this does not necessarily mean sin. It can easily be applied to at-tarku ‘l-awla which is possible for a prophet to do

The word عصیانis used for sin as well as acting outside the boundary of recommendation

This paradise was not the same one which is meant for people to live in forever in return of their good deeds

The tree was not a usual tree but a tree of jealously. Adam felt he has the highest status. He was told by God that in his progeny there are higher status people than him and he went close

This looks like a sin as expectations from Adam was higher than the act


2 examples to explain further:

If someone slaughters the chicken and neglects the saying of “bismillah,” then has he committed a sin? No, he has not committed a sin nor is he liable for a punishment for not saying the “bismillah” at that time. However, he will lose the right to eat that chicken; that chicken cannot be eaten by a Muslim.

A person comes to his doctor complaining of cough. The doctor advises his patient to drink a certain medicine, a cough syrup. Now if the patient ignores that advice, then he is not committing a sin or a crime; but he will surely suffer the consequence — his illness will be prolonged and his health might deteriorate.



Tafsir Namoona: Ayatullah Nasir Makarim Shirazi

Faith and Reason: Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani

he Infallibility of the Prophets in the Qur’an: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Preparation for the Imam (a)

What will I do if I find that Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (a) has happened, after waking up tomorrow morning?


What is the Imam coming to do, His purpose?


What is the status of the Imam?


In simple terms, He can take decisions on our behalf


Preparation for the day of Zahoor

  • Will the day be any different?
  • Where is the Imam? Do I need to get to him?
  • Will I wait for Imam to tell me what to do?
  • How will I receive authentic information?
  • What will happen to my family or dependants?
  • Will I stay home or gather somewhere? If yes where? What will happen there?
  • Will Imam have an army? Or headquarters?
  • Will there be miracles?
  • What if I am dead?

Preparations now

We are living in the time of our 12th Imam; he is just not in front of us or easily accessible

Action starts upon accepting ignorance

  • Is our purpose same as the Imam?
  • Develop one or more skills to support the Imam
  • Build or at least plan own systems
  • Maintain physical fitness
  • Create a system of welfare for the disadvantaged
  • Work hard to unite people and keep them united
  • Understand the local system
  • Learn religion so you can take right actions
  • Know the history of previous Imams and their times
  • Duas, Azadari and Ziarat are to help with the preparations and keep us motivated
  • Be wise with your money, time and health
  • React to Injustice

What will Imam do

  • Imam will give us the strategy
  • Imam will form the global organisation
  • Imam will make people release their potential
  • Imam will clarify misconceptions
  • Imam will enforce decisions
  • Imam will not tolerate injustice but will need support to implement decisions



Miracle of Ziarat Ashura

There are many miracles of Ziyarat-e-Ashura , the virtues of reciting it are many. It is extremely beneficial to recite this as a shield against diseases an calamities. Recite Ziyarat-e-Ashura regularly & ask your family members to do so as well.

Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) recounts, ‘O Safwaan! When you are confronted with some adversity, then seek redressal of your grievances from Imam Hussain (a.s.) through the Aamaal of Ashura. Allah has pledged the fulfillment of demands with this Ziarat and Allah never reneges on His word’.

Hardships and afflictions no matter how severe, can be remedied by reciting Ziarate Ashura for forty successive days. Records of people’s experiences actually testify to the authenticity of this tradition.

Renowned Shia scholars have recited this Ziarat regularly. They have reaped incalculable benefits through its recitation and have always resorted to it in moments of distress. There are many such miracles. One such incident has been quoted below, which involves protection against a disease that seemed unstoppable. This shows the significance of Ziyarat e Ashura.


Miracle of Ziarat-e-Ashura (Best remedy for any type of Plague/Flu):

Ayatullah Al Hajj Sheikh ˜Abdul Karim Haeri (r.a.) founder of the hawzah ˜Ilmiyyah of Qum recounts:-

“During the time when I was engaged in religious studies in the city of Samarra, an epidemic, in the form of plague, spread amongst the inhabitants of the city and everyday several people would die of the disease.
One day, some of the inhabitants of Samarra had gathered in the house of my teacher, the late Sayyid Mu¡ammad Fisharki (r.a.), when Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Taqi Shirazi ( r.a.) (d. 1338 AH), who, in terms of knowledge, was at par with the late Sayyid Fisharki, suddenly arrived. In the course of the conversation, the talk drifted towards the issue of the plague that had threatened the lives of all the people.

The late Mirza said: “If I were to issue a hukm (ruling), would it not be mandatory for it to be executed?”

All those present said: “Yes.”

He said: “I rule that from today onwards, for a period of ten days, the entire Shi’ite community of Samarra should recite “Ziyarat-e- Ashura” and gift the rewards of this recitation to Hadhrat Narjis Khatoon (s.a.) – the mother of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) – in order that this calamity is repelled from them.”

Those present in the gathering informed the other Shi’ites of this ruling and all of them engaged themselves in reciting the “Ziyarat-e- Ashura.” The following days onward, it was observed that none of the Shi’ites would die due to the disease whereas the non-Shi’ites continued to suffer deaths – and this became plainly manifest for all the inhabitants of the city, such that some of the non-Shi’ites used to question their Shi’ite friends: “How is it that our people die due to the disease, whereas there are no deaths on your side?”

The Shi’ites would answer: “All of us recite “Ziyarat-e- Ashura” of Imam Husain (a.s.) in order to remain protected from the epidemic and Allah wards away the calamity from us!”

Shaykh Abdul Kareem (r.a.) observes that on reciting this Ziarat, Shias and Ahle Sunnah both became immune to this plague.

We Pray to Allah s.w.t to save all the Believers and we seek the protection under the shield of Hazrat-e-Sahebuzzaman (a.t.f.s) from all the diseases and especially this deadly disease.

Eid Al-Adha

Muslims around the world celebrate 2 occasions of ‘Eid’ (a joyous day) . One at the end of Ramadan after 29/30 days of Fasting called Eid Al-Fitr and the other one on the 10th day of the 12 month of the Islamic Lunar calendar called Eid Al-Adha, which marks the day of sacrifice of Pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Makkah. This year Eid Al-Adha falls on Friday, the 31st of July 2020.

If they can afford, All adult Muslims are required to do a pilgrimage once in their lifetime to Makkah in Zilhaj, or the 12 month of the Islamic Lunar calendar. They are required to be in Makkah from 7th to 12th Zilhaj and after visiting Kaaba, Arafaat, Muzdalifa and Mina sacrifice an animal, three days stay to end the Pilgrimage and celebrate Eid. The Holy Quran makes the Haj mandatory in the following verse: In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon muslims for the sake of Allah, (upon) every one who is able to undertake the journey to it (3:27). All pilgrims who come from all parts of the world wear the same clothes, perform the same actions, refrain from the forbidden acts and pray in unity. One of the acts during Pilgrimage is a reminder of the intense love mothers have for their children. As Prophet Ibrahim’s wife Bibi Hajra ran back and forth to get water for her son, all Muslims do the same every year

The history of this Eid is fascinating and is a reminder of the importance of Sacrifice. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) which was supposed to be a test. Prophet Ibrahim asked his son and he replied: ” He said, “O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast.” (Quran 27:102). Prophet Ibrahim went on to sacrifice him in the name of God and at the last moment Prophet Ismail was replaced with a lamb which was then sacrificed. This happened on the 10th day.

The annual pilgrimage to Makkah is a reminder to all Muslim that they are all united under the command of one Lord regardless of their color, financial position, background, culture or country. The annual sacrifice, which Muslims do whether they are in Makkah or their own cities, is a reminder of few things. A reminder about respecting parents. A reminder to submit their will to the will of God. A reminder that even your closest, most loved can be sacrificed in the name of God. A reminder to be steadfast in the religion of Islam. A reminder to not let the evil powers overcome your heart and mind and move you away from doing good.

As you can imagine if millions of Muslims sacrifice all these goats, there must be a lot of meat!. In Makkah the government has arrangements to freeze and to pack the meat and distribute to poor countries. In other cities meat is divided into 3 parts. One for poor neighbours, one for relatives and one for yourself. As the laws of UK don’t allow animal sacrifices, Muslims here arrange the sacrifices through slaughter houses & charities in different parts of the world.

This year Eid Al-Adha will be different, like Eid Al-Fitr, however the spirit and message remain the same. Limited prayers will be held in mosques according to the social distancing guidelines but broadcasted online for the congregations to pray and remember the sacrifices and abiding of religion together. At homes, Muslims will be celebrating with close family members only praying together and cherishing the love between them. For the rest of the people, following the belief they will be offering whatever they have to anyone who needs it

Analysis of current Corona Virus situation:

1. Reviewing Divine punishments in history it looks like they were for a group of people who then perished completely. In current situation, people are being infected, recovering, dying, re-infecting for different time periods

2. if this situation is not initiated by Allah, it can be initiated by man as a delibrate action or a mistake. Now the cause and effect principle applies. We need to find and reflect on the effect

3. Regardless of initiation, what should we do about it?
a. Take this as a serious reminder from Allah. He was giving us thoeritical reminders so far. Now we can feel the sense of being out of control
b. Lets move quickly to do outstanding tasks which are important but for some reason or the other gets put off, as we can see we dont have time
c. We need to plan for things which were never taken seriously. Dieing tomorrow. Loosing a job with a valid reason. Writing a will etc
d. Once minimum tasks completed, lets look outside the box and help others