Humans vs Animals
What makes humans different from animals?
Among all the living things that GOD has created, humans and animals have been given more qualities than others and between them humans are classed as the best of creation. This means that humans may have lots of similarities to animals, but the differences set them apart and make them superior. The differences can be in physical bodies and actions however we will look into the differences with regards to gaining and retaining knowledge.
Muzaffar mentions four stages of development in humans and animals [1]. When the baby is born they come into this world with no knowledge of their surroundings or themselves. Gradually using the knowledge from their five senses they start to understand for example what is hot and cold or what taste or smell good and bad. With growth, the child now begins to imagine, developing more from their sensory knowledge. This imaginary knowledge helps them to compare their thoughts and information coming in from their senses. Up to this point humans and animals are both the same, apart from animals that may have limited senses. In the next stage of development humans start to surpass the animals as now the human child is able to go beyond sensory and imaginary knowledge and start to use estimative knowledge to feel joy, sadness, love, enmity and other feelings with no measure or complete understanding. Animals feel this too but on a much lower level. This common feature is also validated in the Quran when it says, “Whatever there is in the heavens and in the earth glorifies Allah, the Sovereign, the All-holy, the All-mighty, the All-wise” (62:1) It means that both humans and animals alongside other creation know who their creator is and all worship GOD in their own ways
The final stage of development which animals can’t compare with humans is when humans start to use intellect to make decisions. This is a capability exclusive to humans where they can receive information from various sources, analyse and compare them, seek opinion of others and then come up to universal or personal conclusion. Animals of the other hand to take decisions for example when they sense danger, they leave that place or try to protect themselves. Like in the story of the ant and prophet Suleman, the ant directed other ants to hide and save themselves from the prophet’s army. Humans make use of this intellect in several ways. For example, if the environment is hot or cold humans are able to use things at their disposal to adapt it according to their requirements how animals have no choice [2]. They either have to live in that environment or they end up not surviving as they are not able to change anything. Animals and humans both are able to speak by making a sound however the difference is that humans are able to express themselves and animals cant. What this practically means is that animals don’t really talk to make a conversation. They speak based on their instincts when something happens, and they react to it. Humans can talk as often as they like, explain things to other in more than on ways in a clear and detailed manner. Humans can apply logic to conversations and debate on points with other to get them to agree to their point. GOD says in the Quran to bees: And your Lord inspired the bee [saying]: ‘Make your home in the mountains, and on the trees and the trellises that they erect. (16:68) This verse shows that like GOD guides the humans, He inspires or guides the animals directly with what is best for them and they certainly follow their path. This also means that the intellect comes with a price. Since GOD has given intellect and guidance to humans through a number of means the expectation is to use their will in the way of GOD and prepare of the day of judgement. On that days all superior actions that humans were able to do using their intellect will be judged resulting in reward or punishment.
Using intellect humans are able to achieve a lot more than animals. One example is to record history and then be able to utilise it for either learning or building on top of it. Religion seems to be one good example of capability. Prophet Muhammad pbuh came around 1400 years ago and religion was perfected in that time with all commandments and principles revealed. Through the art of preserving and making use of history, the religion we have got today make sense from what it was hundreds of years ago. Another example is morality that exists in humans due to this intellect. Apart from those who don’t care about morality and can be easily differentiated, majority of humans are able to follow ethical practices like respecting others, like peace, helping those in need, caring for the environment and providing care. Animals on the other hand follow their instincts. If they are to feel fear they will react regardless of the consequences. Due to this reason, they get trapped, killed and eaten by other animals.
It also seems that humans have more capacity to gain and retain knowledge than animals. With humans, knowledge is divided into subjects and those who spend more time on learning and researching the subject are able to become more knowledgeable on it. Using the intellect humans are able to identify themselves as more knowledgeable and then others can take advantage of their knowledge. For example, humans will have some of them designated as doctors and when someone fall ill, they will have the knowledge to help him regain his health. In case of animals if they get ill they would rely on nature to become healthy again or their life will end. Furthermore with regards to natures, animals are totally reliant on nature and consume what is available for them. Animals exists in all sorted on places, under the sea, on earth, in mountains etc and they are dependent on finding their sustenance close to them. On the other hand, humans are reliant on nature and their own skills gained via intellect to create solutions and resources which will help them survive and also grow.
There are some other levels that GOD has made humans superior to animals by saying in the Quran (5:1) that “Lawful for you are animals…” this means that GOD has allowed humans to consume some animals to fulfil their hunger but on the other hand haven’t made is permissible for animals to consume humans. Or in the Quran (16:80) GOD allows humans to use the hides of animals as tests for resting places and tents. These verses show that animals are at the disposal of humans in lawful ways. A total of thirty-one animals are mentioned in Quran and six chapters of the Quran have been dedicated to animals which shows the impact of animals on the lives of humans [3]. Surah Al Baqarah (The Cow), Surah Al Anaam (The Cattle), Surah Al Nahl (The Bees), Surah Al Naml (The Ants), Surah Al Ankabut (The Spider), and Surah Al Fil (The Elephant) [4]. GOD has turned humans into the shape of animals when they acted on what was forbidden as mentioned in the following verse of Quran When they defied [the command pertaining to] what they were forbidden from, we said to them, ‘Be you spurned apes.’ (7:166). In terms of similarities, like revelations were made on Prophets, GOD chose a bee to send the following revelation: “Your Lord revealed to the honeybee: ‘Make homes in the mountains, in the trees and in the structures, they raise’” (16:68)
Another point to note when comparing humans and animals is that animals have a lot of species in them like birds, reptiles, mammals, those that fly, those who live under water, large animals, small animals and a lot more that may not even be discovered by humans due to having no access to those areas on earth where animals may live. Human beings, although divided into communities and races etc, are largely classed as humans with similar characteristics. So, comparing humans to birds or comparing humans to wild animals can be different compared to with just animals. Animals have repeatedly shown the capability of their mind by learning through training, similar to a machine, however the trainer is human which signifies the superiority.
In conclusion according to the following verse from Quran, all creatures are creation of GOD Al-Mighty, He deals with them according to the capacities granted to them and all of them will return to their lord. [5] “There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end.” (6:38). Nasir Makarim Shirazi, in Tafseer Namoona, quotes a hadith from Prophet pbuh in Tafsir Namoona for this verse which says that on the day of judgement even animals will be gathered (also mentioned in Quran 81:5) and they will be recompensed (Qisas) for undue actions [6]. This demonstrates GOD’s justice expanding to both humans and animals but more to humans due to the reasons mentioned above.
Ali Jaffri
Jan 2023 – London