Qasr Prayers from London

Qasr distance to and from is 8 farsakh which is equivalent to 27.4 miles or 44 kilometres

For those who consider M25 as the boundary of London, see calculation of Qasr distance below:



London Kingston to Junction 10 M25 = 12 miles (not counted as still in London)
Junction 10 to Junction 15 M25 = 13.4 miles (not counted as still in London)

Junction 15 M25/M4 to Al-Qaim Slough = 7.7 miles
Going to Slough and return is 15.4 miles therefore not Qasr


London Kingston to Junction 8 M25 = 10 miles (not counted as still in London)
Junction 8 to Junction 7 M25 = 3.3 miles (not counted as still in London)

Junction 7 M25/M23 to Al-Qaim Slough = 8.1 miles
Going to Gatwick and return is 16.2 miles therefore not Qasr


London Kingston to Junction 10 M25 = 12 miles (not counted as still in London)
Junction 10 to Junction 21 M25 = 34 miles (not counted as still in London)

Junction 21 M25/M1 to Masjid Ali Luton = 15 miles
Going to Luton and return is 30 miles therefore Qasr


London Kingston to Junction 10 M25 = 12 miles (not counted as still in London)
Junction 10 to Junction 27 M25 = 57.7 miles (not counted as still in London)

Junction 27 M25/M11 to Stanstead airport = 18.6 miles
Going to Stanstead and return is 37.2 miles therefore Qasr


London Kingston to Junction 10 M25 = 12 miles (not counted as still in London)
Junction 10 to Junction 15 M25 = 13.4 miles (not counted as still in London)

Junction 15 M25/M4 to Zainabiya Reading = 31 miles
Going to Reading and return is 62 miles therefore Qasr



Salatul-Musafir [Traveller’s prayer Salatul-Qasr]
By the grace of Allah and His mercy He made the duties and the Wajibs easy and feasible. An example of this feasibility in enjoining the worshipping duties, is the reducing the Salats of the traveller from the 4 Rak’ah Salats to 2 Rak’ah Salats. (The Salats of Az-Zuhr, Al-Asr and Al-lsha).

Conditions of Salatul-Qasr [Reduced Salat]
There are some conditions prescribed by the Islamic Shari’ah for the “reduced” Salat of the traveller. All these conditions should exist, otherwise the Salats would remain in their Tamam [complete] form, not Qasr. These conditions are:

1. Distance: The first conditions for the Salat to be reduced is that the total distance which a traveller is to cover must not be less than eight Farsakhs, four for going and four for the return, (nearly 44 km).

2. From the beginning, the traveller’s intention must be fixed on covering that distance in his journey, and his intention is to remain so, until he has covered it. If he did not have the intention of travelling that distance from the beginning of his journey, he would have to do the Tamam Salat, even if he had covered that very distance later on in his journey.

3. The travelling must be for a legitimate purpose. If it was for some illegitimate purpose, such as, if he travelled to do wrong, or to assist a wrongdoer, he must do the Tamam Salat.

4. From the beginning the traveller must not have the intention of staying 10 days in the place to which he is travelling, nor have any doubt about his stay. If the traveller covers the whole (required) distance by joining together the two distances; that is four Farsakhs for going and four Farsakhs for return. Otherwise, if his intention was, from the beginning, to cover eight Farsakhs, the intention for 10 day stay and hesitation in staying would not affect the travel state, since he has not actually realised the 10 day stay.

5. He must not, at the start, have the intention of passing through his homeland or his place of residence, nor should he have any doubt about it.

Rules of the Traveller’s Stay [lqamatul-Musafir]
1. If a person intended to stay 10 days or more, in the place to which he has travelled, he would have to perform Tamam Salats, as he would not be allowed to reduce them to the Qasr form.

2. If a person stayed in a place for 30 days without having the intention of staying, he may perform the reduced Salat (Qasr) up to 30 days, he should perform the Tamam (compete) Salat. And he would not be allowed to perform the Qasr the Salat.

3. A person whose profession is to travel all the time, such as a peddler, a driver, a sailor, or one who carries his house with him, such as the nomads, must perform the Tamam Salat.

4. The traveller is allowed to turn to the Qasr Salat only after reaching the limit of Tarakhkhus i.e. after covering a distance at which the houses and the obvious signs of the town disappear.