Intro to Islamic Sciences

Gate of Knowledge Foundation presents..

Introduction to Islamic Sciences Online

We try our best to acquire education that aids in our academic career but miss the opportunity to appreciate Islamic social sciences which give a different dimension to what knowledge is and what it should lead to.

In these sessions we will briefly explain some Islamic sciences, review some key Islamic books, and go through the life history of our scholars, enough to make the student familiar with them.

Prominent Scholars
Important Books
Theology (Kalam)
Logic (Mantiq)
Jurispudence (Hadith, Usul and Fiqh)
Mysticism (Irfan)
Exegesis (Tafseer)
Philosophy (Falsafa)

Every Sunday
5pm UK, 10pm PAK,  12pm  CAN

Weekly 1 hour sessions for 20 weeks
16+ Brothers and Sisters

Fee £100 (All income will go to charity)

Start date: 26th Feb 2023
Register by: 19th Feb 2023
Registration link:

Trainer: Ali Jaffri
MA Islamic Studies
Hawza Student
Qualified Madressa Teacher
