Story No. 221 – Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) and his two servants: Qambar and Saeed

Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) with his servantsAfter the martyrdom of Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as), Qambar, servant of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) related that he very seldom had the occasion to serve his master. Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) used to do his work for himself, used to wash his own clothing, used even to patch them whenever needed. He would draw water from the well for his daily use. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) would give them good food and decent dresses, and would himself eat and dress like a very poor man. Let alone whipping or beating he never even got angry with us. He never used a cane even on his horse, camel or mule. These animals apparently understood his mood and desire and would trot and walk as he wished them to do. His often used phrase with them was “go easy child”. Continuing Qambar said:


Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as) and saving wealth (money)


Once and only once Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) got annoyed with me. It was the occasion when I showed him the money that I had hoarded. It was from my share of income given to me like others from the State Treasury (Baytul Mal) and the gifts I had received from the members of his family. I had no immediate use of it and had collected the amount. It was not much, being barely 100 Dirhams. When I showed him the amount he looked annoyed and what pained me more he looked very sad. I enquired as to why he was so sad, he said: “Qambar, if you had no use of this money, were there not people around you who were in need of it, some of them might have been starving and some ill and infirm, could you not have helped them. I never thought that you could be so heartless and cruel, and could love wealth for the sake of wealth.”


Qambar I am afraid you are not trying to acquire much from Islam, try more seriously and sincerely. Take these coins out of my house. I took them out and distributed them amongst the beggars in the Kufa mosque.



Is Money is everything?


Some people say ‘Money is everything’. It will be advisable for such people to consider the following facts:


“Money will buy a Bed but not sleep, Books but not brains, Food but not appetite, Finery but not beauty, Medicine but not health; Luxuries but not culture, Amusements but not happiness, Passport to every where but not Heaven”.

Story No. 220 – Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) merciful behaviour towards his Murderer

It was the month of Ramazan, the month of fasting. It was the time of the morning prayers; the Kufa mosque was full of Muslims. One man called as Ibn Muljim, was pretended to be sleeping with his face downward. He had hidden a poisonous sword under him. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was kneeling before Allah (SWT) and when he raised his head a terrible blow fell upon him giving a very deep cut from the poisonous sword of Ibn Muljim. There was a great disturbance and commotion in the Kufa mosque. The murderer Ibn Muljim started running. The Muslims followed, caught and bound him in ropes and brought him before Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) who was on the prayer carpet drenched in blood and was reclining upon his sons. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) knew the blow was fatal and he could not survive it but when the murderer Ibn Muljim was brought before him, he saw that the rope which had bound him was so tightly bound that it was cutting into his flesh. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) turned towards those Muslims and said:


You should not he so cruel with your fellow being slacken his ropes, do not you see that they are cutting into his flesh and he is in agony.


Ibn Muljim was thirsty, that Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) could see. Then Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was taken to his house. There was much crying and weeping in whole Kufa. At this time milk was brought for Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). He looked at the milk, and said, “Give a glass like this one to Ibn Muljim also, he is very thirsty.”


The milk was given to the murderer Ibn Muljim. He gratefully drank and quenched his thirst.


So was Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). History of Islam is full of the incidents of his chivalrous and merciful behaviour towards his enemies.

Story No. 219 – Prohibition of Water: Battle of Siffin (Jung e Siffin)

Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Moawiya) was ruling over Syria as its Governor for nearly sixteen (16) years; and was secretly planning to grab the Caliphate taking advantage of every possible opportunity. The best excuse for him to revolt against the Central authority and declare his own caliphate was the third caliph Othman bin Affan’s murder. Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan had not done any thing concerning the appeals of caliph Othman bin Affan for help, during his lifetime. In fact, he was waiting for him to be murdered, so that he could make it an excuse for his scheme. Caliph Othman bin Affan (Osman bin Affan) got murdered and Muawiyah immediately sought to exploit the situation for his own purpose.


On the other hand, people after the murder of caliph Othman bin Affan rallied behind Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) (who because of various reasons, was reluctant to take the responsibility of Caliphate) and declared their allegiance to him. Observing that the responsibility was now formally turned to him, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) accepted it and his Caliphate was proclaimed in Medina, the capital and centre of Muslim world in those days. All provinces of Islamic government submitted to his obedience – with the exception of Syria, which was under Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan. He refused allegiance to Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), accusing him of sheltering the murders of caliph Othman bin Affan. Muawiyah recruited a large number of Syrian soldiers and made preparation for the declaration of independence of his provinces.


After settling the issue of the battle of Camel (Jange Jamal), Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) turned his attention to Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan. He wrote several letters to him, but in vain. Both sides moved their armies towards each other near Siffin. Abul Aawar Salmi was leading Muawiyah’s advanced battalion and Malik Ashtar was in command of the advanced battalion of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). They met at the bank of the Euphrates. Imam Ali’s (as) directive to Malik Ashtar was not to be the first to attack. But Abul Aawar Salmi made a severe attack to intimidate the soldiers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). Malik Ashtar then pushed the Syrians far behind. Abul Aawar Salmi now thought of another tactics. He reached the Ghat, i.e. the slope on bank of the Euphrates, which was the only spot convenient to fetch water. Abul Aawar Salmi deployed his spearmen and archers to guard the spot and prevent Malik Ashtar and his company from coming near it. Soon after, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan himself arrived with a large army. Happy at the strategy of his commander he further increased the number of the soldiers guarding the approach to river. Soldiers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) were put in distress owing to the shortage of water. Muawiyah with pleasure said: “This is our first Victory.” Only one man, Amr bin Al-Aas, the shrewd minister of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan did not think it a good policy. On the other side, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) himself had arrived and was informed of the situation. He sent a letter with Sasha bin Suhan, one of the companions (Sahabi) of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to Muawiyah notifying:


“We have come here, but as far as possible we do not like to wage a war of fratricide between the Muslims. We earnestly hope to settle our differences through negotiations and discussions. But we observe that you and your followers have started using weapons of destruction before trying anything else. Besides, you have denied water on my companions. Instruct them to desist from this act, so that we can start negotiations. Of course, if you do not like anything but war, we are not afraid of it.”


Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan consulted his advisor. The general opinion was to take advantage of the golden opportunity and ignore the letter. Only Amr bin Al-Aas against this view. He said, “You are mistaken.” The fact is that Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) and his men do not want to start the war themselves, and it is because of this that they are silent at present and have tried to dissuade you from your scheme through this letter. Do not think they will retreat if you ignore their letter and continue denying them the water. Because then they will take out arms and will not stop till they have driven you away from Euphrates with disgrace.” But the majority of advisors were of the opinion that the denial of water would weaken the enemy compelling them to retreat. Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan personally was in favor of this idea. Discussion came to end; Sasha bin Suhan, one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked for the reply; Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, using the delaying tactics, said that he would send the reply afterwards. Meanwhile, he ordered his soldiers guarding water to be extra alert and to prevent coming and going of the soldiers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as).


Battle of Camel (Jange Jamal)Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was distressed at this development, because it brought to an end every hope of any amicable settlement through talks and negotiations, and showed that the opposite side was devoid of every goodwill. Now, the only way out was to use force. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) stood before his soldiers and delivered a short but forceful address, the contents of which were as follows:


“These people have started oppression, and opened the door of conflict and welcomed you with hostility. They are hungry for war and are demanding war and bloodshed from you. They have denied you water. Now you have to choose between the two paths. There is no third course. Either accept the humiliation and oppression or remain thirsty as you are, or satisfy your thirsty swords with their dirty bloods so that you may quench your thirst with the sweet water. Death is to live a defeated and disgraceful life; and Life is to be victorious even at the cost of death. Verily, Muawiyah has gathered around him some ignorant and misguided mob; and is taking advantage of their ignorance, so that they are making their necks targets of the arrows of death.”


This address moved the soldiers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) and stirred their blood. They made a severe attack and pushed the enemy far back and took the possession of Ghat.


Amir bin Al-Aas (whose forecast was now a fact) said to Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan: “Now, if Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) and his army pay you with your own coin what will you do? Can you take possession of the Ghat from them for the second time?” Muawiyah said, “In your opinion, how will Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) deal with us now?”


“I believe, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) will not behave as you had done. He will not deny us water. He has not come here for such deeds.”


The soldiers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) after removing the soldiers of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan from Ghat, asked his permission to prevent the enemy from taking water. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) said, “Don’t deny them water. These are the methods of ignorant. I do not set my hands to such acts. They are human beings and though they have acted inhumanely yet I cannot follow their example and cannot refuse a man food and drink because he happens to be my worst enemy. I am going to start negotiation with them on the basis of the Holy Book of Allah (SWT). If they accept my proposals, well and good; and if they refuse, I shall fight with them, but gentlemanly not by denying them water. I will never do such thing and will not oppress them by shortage of water.”


Not long afterwards soldiers of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan used to come to the Ghat side by side with the soldiers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), and nobody prevented them.

Story No. 218 – Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) behaviour towards Kharjite

It was the battle of Nahrawan against the Kharjites (Kharjite means one who rebels against religion) and Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) himself was fighting like any other ordinary soldier. During this battle a man came to face him and in the encounter lost his sword. He realized his hopeless plight of standing before Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) without any weapon in hand. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) hand was raised for a blow when he saw the antagonist trembling with fear. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) lowered his hand slowly and said:

Run away friend you are not in a position to defend yourself.

This attitude made the man bold and he said: Ali ibn Abu Talib! Why do not you kill me? It would have made one enemy less for you.

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) replied: I cannot strike a man, who cannot defend himself. You were begging for your life and it was spared.

The opponent got bolder and said: I am told that you have never refused a beggar. Now I beg you of your sword, will you grant it to me?

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) handed him over the sword.

Taking possession of the sword he said: Now Ali ibn Abu Talib! Who is going to defend you against me and save you from my killing blow?

Of course Allah (SWT), He will defend me if He so wills. He has appointed my death to be my guarding angel none can harm before it is due and none can save me when it arrives.

Nobility of thought and action affected the foe and he kissed the bridle of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) horse and said:

O Master, you are a great man indeed. You cannot only forsake the life of your enemy in a battle field but also you can grant him your sword. May I have the honour to act as your body guard and to fight for you?

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) replied: Friend! Fight for truth and Justice and do not fight for persons.

Story No. 217 – Cold Drink for Enemies in Battle of Camel (Jange Jamal)

In the battle of Camel (Jange Jamal) in the thick of the encounter his slave Qambar brought some sweet syrup saying:

My Master the sun is very hot you have been constantly fighting, have a glass of this cold drink to refresh yourself.

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) looked around himself and replied:

Shall I refresh myself when hundreds of people around me are lying wounded and dying of thirst and wounds? Instead of bringing sweet syrup for me take a few men with you and give each of these wounded persons a cool drink.

Qambar said, My Master, they are all our enemies.

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) replied: They may be but they are human beings and attend to them.

Story No. 216 – Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) behaviour towards his Foes (Enemies)

Talha bin Abu Talha was not only a bitter enemy of Islam, but was personal enemy of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). His exertions to harm these two and their mission is a legion. In the battle of Uhud he was the flag bearer of the army of Quraish. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) faced him and in a hand to hand encounter dealt him such a severe blow that he reeled and fell down. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) left him like that and walked away from him. Many Muslim warriors ran up to Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) and advised him to finish Talha bin Abu Talha, saying that he was Ali’s worst enemy, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) replied:

Enemy or no enemy he cannot defend himself now, and I cannot strike a man who is not in a position to defend himself. If he survives he is welcome to live as long as his life lasts.

Story No. 215 – Wife, Children and Home Life of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as): Commander of the faithful

Amir ul Momineen (Commander of the faithful), Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was married to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa), the daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) from Hazrat Khadija (sa). At the time of his marriage Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) being in his 21st year and Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa) in 15th year of her life. Other narrations says Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa) is in 10th year of her life.


It was very happy marriage. The transcendental distinctiveness of their respective characters blended so well with each other that they never quarreled and complained of one another and led a happy and contended life. Each one of them was rich in his own rights; Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa) was the only heir of one of the richest women of Arabia, Hazrat Khadija (sa), and had inherited many orchards and gardens in Makkah and Madinah, besides that she was the daughter of the head of a rich clan and a king of a fast growing kingdom. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was a marshal who had very handsome shares from the spoils of wars. Yet all that they owned went to the poor cripples and orphans and they themselves often starved. Their only luxury in life was prayers, and the company of each other and their children; and they willingly shared the sorrows and suffering of poor. They were given a slave girl, Bibi Fizza, but Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had made arrangement that every alternate day was the off day of Bibi Fizza and her mistress would do all the household work. Even when Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa) was ill on Bibi Fizza’s off day, Bibi Fizza would not be allowed to attend to the duties, but Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) would work; and the hero of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khaybar and Hunain was seen grinding oats, lighting the oven, preparing the bread and looking after the children.


Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as) says, “Amir al-Mu’minin used to cut wood, fetch water and sweep, while Fatimah (his wife) used to grind, knead and bake the bread.”


Even when he was Caliph, he used to go shopping and carry home his purchases himself. People seeing their Caliph, the highest person in the community doing so, used to hurry to him to help him with his burden, but he would deny them that pleasure and say: “It is more fitting for a family head to carry his (own) burden.”


Hazrat Salman Farsi (ra) says: What a household, the daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and wife of his vicegerent leading the life of a poor labourer. If they had spent one tenth of what they were distributing daily they would have led a life of ease and comfort.


From Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), the Lady of Light (Hazrat Fatima Zahra) had four children and the fifth (Mohsin) was a still birth. The causes of this mishap and also that of her death are very sad and tragic incidents of their lives. The names of their children were Hasan, Hussain, Zainab (wife of Abdullah ibn Jafar) and Umme Kulthum (wife of Ubaydullah ibn Jafar).


During the lifetime of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa), Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) did not marry another woman. After her death he married Yamamah and at her death another lady, having the name of Hanafia, from whom he had a son, Muhammad Hanafia, and after her death, he married again, thus he had many children some of whom had unparalleled places in the history of mankind, e.g. Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain (the hero of Karbala), Hazrat Zainab (the defender of Islam in Kufa and Damascus), Hazrat Abbas (the commander of Hussain’s army) and Muhammad Hanafia, the hero of the Battle of Nahrawan.

Story No. 214 – Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) loved each other

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as)Allama Tabarani and Imam Hakim (in his Saheeh) say: Whenever Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was in anger nobody dare addressed him but Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as).


Bin Abil Hadeed quotes the uncle of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib saying:


Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was so fond of Imam Ali that once when Imam Ali was a young boy he sent him out on some errand and the child took long time to return, he started getting worried and anxious and in the end he prayed to Allah (SWT), “Please Lord do not let me die unless I behold Ali once again.”


Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) holy personality began its wonderful manifestation even during the period of his mother’s pregnancy. At that time, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had not yet announced his prophethood, and yet when he passed before Fatima bint Asad, who being his aunt was senior to him, she used to stand up in reverence and respect for him, and somehow something within her never allowed her to turn her face away from Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) as long as he was around.


When people asked her about this peculiar behaviour of hers, she would say that she could not help it, that some irresistible urge from within made her do so.


This statement was disbelieved by those who wished to test her. So one day they made her sit and they asked two strong men to hold her down when Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) passed by. Then they asked Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) if he would walk in front of her, to which he gladly agreed. As he came in front of her, Fatima bint Asad began to rise and she stood erect throwing both men aside. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) who alone was aware of this mystery, used to smile. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was keenly awaiting the birth of his cousin Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as).


Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) started acting as the bodyguard of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) even when he was just a boy of 13 or 14 years. The young men of Quraish under instigation of their parents used to stone Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) took up the work of acting as his defender, he fell upon those young men, broke the nose of one, teeth of the other, pulled the ears of the third and threw down the fourth. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) often fought against those who were older than him, was often himself hurt, but he never forsook the self imposed duty. After some days he got the nick name of Qaazim (the breaker of thrower) and nobody dared throw anything at Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) when Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was with him and he would not allow Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) to go out of the house alone.


Offering himself as a sacrifice at the night of Hijra (migration) and his subsequent behaviour in all the battles are enough proofs of the intensity of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) love to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).


Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) informed Imam Ali (as) about the dangerous situation and his plan to migrate to Yathrib (Medina). Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked Imam Ali (as) if he would sleep in his bed covering himself with Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) blanket. It was a dangerous situation; the walls of Holy Prophet’s (saw) house were hardly seven feet high. Anybody could peep in and see whether Holy Prophet (saw) was in the house or not? But when Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked Imam Ali (as) if he would accept this danger to his life? Imam Ali (as) replied with a counter question, “If I sleep in your place, in your bed, will your life be saved?” “Yes,” replied Holy Prophet (saw), “Allah (SWT) has promised me save passage.” Imam Ali (as) thanked Allah (SWT) and slept in the bed of Holy Prophet (saw) covering himself with Holy Prophet’s (saw) blanket without any hesitation. Holy Prophet (saw) left his house unobserved by the waiting assailants.


Commenting on the sacrifice of Imam Ali (as), Imam Ghazali in his Tarikhe Khamees writes that it was for this occasion that revelation from Allah (SWT) came, “And among men there is who sells himself (soul ) seeking the pleasure of God; and verily, God is affectionate unto His (faithful) servants.” Noble Qur’an (2:207)

Story No. 213 – Religion of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as): Amir ul Momineen (Commander of the faithful)

As has been declared by all the historians of Islam, Amir ul Momineen (Commander of the faithful), Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) from his childhood was adopted and looked after by Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Therefore naturally his religion tendencies from his childhood were those of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).


The question as to when he embraced Islam is out of consideration. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was Muslim from the very beginning. His religion was the religion of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).


The famous historian Masoodi says: The general census of opinion amongst the Muslims historians and theologians is that Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was never a non-Muslim and never prayed before idols, therefore the question of his embracing Islam does not and cannot arise.


It is particularly poignant, that the Messenger of Allah (saw) never invited Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) to Islam as he did others later on, because he was already a Muslim by God granted nature. He was never polluted with the permissiveness of the Ignorant Era, and was never involved in any of its debased practices. As it is related: The Messenger of Allah (saw) informed Imam Ali (as) of his Message and Call and he immediately believed in the truthfulness of the Final Message, and offered to receive and carry out the Messenger of Allah’s orders. That was why he was given the attribute of: ‘Karramallahu wajhah’. May Allah grant him honor. This is amazing in the light of the fact that Imam Ali (as) was still a mere boy of ten at the time!

Story No. 212 – Upbringing of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as): Amirul Momineen (Commander of the faithful)

Upbringing of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as)Amirul Momineen (Commander of the faithful), Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was born three years before the marriage of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) with Hazrat Khadija (sa). Although Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) lived in the custody of his father and brothers for six tender years, then he (as) moved to Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) house because of the financial crisis which befell his father, Hazrat Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib.


Since that early age, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) lived with the Messenger of Allah (saw). It was there that he spent his teens and adolescence during which he was a close observer of all the developments that happened in the life of the Messenger of Allah (saw).


So, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s (as) education was not an ordinary one, nor one which a normal child receives from his father, or elder brothers. The training and instruction he received was very special and it suffices to know that he followed Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) like his shadow, even during periods of exclusive privacy inside the grotto of the Hira Mountain where the mental and spiritual developments were witnessed through which Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was passing.


Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) referred to the vast dimensions of the education he received at the hands of his guide, the Messenger of Allah (saw) in one of his speeches known by the title “Al-Qasi’ah” (censure):


“…you know what my relations with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) were. From the very beginning of my life, he loved me and I loved him. He took me in his lap when I was a baby and thence I was always with him. He often kept me embraced to his heart. He used to lay me next to him. We used to be so close to each other that I felt the warmth of his body and smelled the fragrance of his odor. When I was a baby, he fed me with his hands, often chewing hard bits for me. He never found me lying nor weak and wavering. From the time of his [Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)] infancy, Allah (SWT) had appointed the greatest of His angels to always be with him, and His Arch Angel was leading him towards exemplary qualities and high moral values, and I followed him (saw) step by step as a baby camel follows its mother. Daily he used to place before me a fresh standard of efficiency and used to order me to follow it. Every year he used to stay in a grotto of the Hira Mountain for some time, and nobody used to be with him but me. None could then see or hear him but me. During those days Islam was the religion of only the Prophet and his wife, Khadija. I was the third of the trio. Nobody else in this world had accepted Islam. Even then I used to see the divine light of revelation and prophethood and smell the heavenly fragrance of prophethood.”


Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was so pure in spirit and straightforward in morality, according to the education he received from the Messenger of Allah (saw), that many shadows of the hidden future were lighted before him. He (as) says: “…When Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) received the first revelation, Satan lamented so loudly that I asked Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw): Who is lamenting and why? He (saw) replied, ‘It is Satan who has given up hopes of acquiring complete sway over human minds. In his disappointment, he is lamenting over the chance lost. Verily Ali, you also hear whatever I hear, and you see whatever I see; only you are not a prophet. But you are my wazir (minister), successor and helper, and you will always hold the truth and justice.”


In his own words, this text reveals how Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), during his childhood, was treated by Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) with care, tenderness and self-denial. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) went to the extent of chewing morsels of food and putting them in Imam Ali’s mouth, holding him in his arms and treating him as though he were his own beloved son.

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