Story No. 290 – Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) and Women Issues [Hijab (Islamic dress code) for women]

Imam Ali (as) is quoted to have said:


Once we were sitting with Prophet Muhammad (saw) when he (saw) asked: “What is the best thing for a woman?” No one could answer his question. I approached Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) and discussed the issue with her and she immediately claimed to know the answer. According to her, the answer was, “The best thing for a woman is that she is protected from the sight of strangers such that neither does she have to see them nor do they get to see her.”


I returned to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and gave him the answer. He (saw) asked at once, “Who taught you this answer?” I told him that the answer had come from Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa). Prophet Muhammad (saw) was delighted and said: “Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) is my flesh and blood.”


Numerous Traditions (Ahadith) have been related regarding the personality, dignity and responsibility of women. One Prophetic Tradition relates that once Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked one of his companions, “When are women closest to Allah (SWT)?” Again no one could answer this question. Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) finally answered, saying: “When they are in their home.” According to exegetes, in all probability, this answer refers to a verse from the Noble Qur’an that says:


“And stay in your home and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorant of yore…” (Noble Qur’an, 33:33)


It needs to be emphasized here that although in the Noble Qur’an, this verse is addressed directly to Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) wives, but it is also applicable to all Muslim women. In the same Chapter “Al-Ahzab”, Allah (SWT) says:


“O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments that they may be known, and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Noble Qur’an, 33:59)


The above verse has discussed the philosophy of Hijab (Islamic dress code) for women, as a kind of protection for them from being followed, teased, and disrespected from evil and lustful eyes.


One day Prophet Muhammad (saw) was sitting in the house of his daughter Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) when they heard a knock on the door. The housemaid comes to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and says: “Oh! Prophet of Allah (saw) your companion Abdullah ibn Umme Maqdoom (who was blind) has come to visit you.”


Prophet Muhammad (saw) immediately told the housemaid to let him in. In the mean time his daughter Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa), chief of the women of the world and head of the women in Paradise, gets up to go to her room.


Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) and Hijab (Islamic dress code) for womenProphet Muhammad (saw) questions her “Oh! My daughter Fatima, where are you going?”


Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) replies: “Since your companion (Sahabi) is coming to see you I am going to my room to observe my Hijab from him.”


Prophet Muhammad (saw) replies: “But my daughter Fatima the companion of mine is blind and cannot see you.”


Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) replies: “My father, he cannot see me but I can see him thus I must go inside.”


This is not to say that Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not aware of the matter but this question was posed to inform the women, whose chief is Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa), of the importance of Hijab. And that it is not sufficient to think that we are capable of controlling our desires and will not think or look badly at someone. Who can say that Nauz Billah (God Forbid) Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) could not have had such a control on herself and yet she followed the Shariah (Islamic Law) very strictly.


Islam considers the protection of the dignity and character of women for their happiness and sincerity. However, here we need to clarify that Islam does not advocate that women should never be allowed to see the light of the day. In fact, when we study the life of Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa), we find that she was very active in her personal and social life. At the same time, she was so careful in safeguarding her dignity and self-respect that in spite of her activities, she never intermingled with any strangers.


Not only has the presence of women not been prohibited in the areas of culture, politics, defense, etc. rather wherever necessary they are obliged to participate actively in these areas. For example, whenever the society requires the services of female doctors, nurses, teachers etc., the women in that society are obliged (wajib) to obtain the necessary skills and qualifications.


The sermons of Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) in the Prophet’s Mosque (Medina), her serving alongside Imam Ali (as) in the Holy Wars (Jihad) and during their migration from Makkah to Medina and also the roles played by her great daughter Hazrat Zainab (sa) in the Battle of Karbala, followed by her famous speeches in Kufa and Sham – all these reflect on the active and powerful roles played by these great Islamic female personalities.


Fatima Al-Zahra’s (sa) legacy to all the Muslim women of her Ummah (Community/Nation) is purity of faith and character. Her vision for all Muslim women for all times to come is that they keep themselves chaste and pure like angels, as per Islamic values and ethics. One Prophetic Tradition (Hadith) says: “The alms (Zakat) of the beauty of a woman are her dignity and chastity.”


Thus, if a woman does not guard or protect her beauty and exhibits herself to strangers, neither does she attain salvation, nor does her husband experience peace of mind and spirit.


It is to be remembered here that Islam regards women like a beautiful and delicate flower that needs to be protected from hardships and dangers. Moreover because only if a woman is well-protected and well-secure, can she offer happiness and peace to her family and home and in this way only would the society be safe, secure and progressive.

Story No. 289 – Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), the Manifestation of Kindness and Self-sacrifice

Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), the Manifestation of KindnessThe Tradition (Hadith) related below is said to be responsible for the revelation of the following Noble Qur’anic verses:


“… and prefer (them) before themselves, though poverty may afflict them.” (Noble Qur’an, 59:9)


It is related that: One day a poor, hungry man came to Prophet Muhammad (saw) to ask for some food. Prophet Muhammad (saw) guided him to go to the homes of his wives and get something to eat. All of them had no food in their homes and thus could not offer the poor man anything. He returned to Prophet Muhammad (saw) who then asked his companions (Sahabah), “Who is going to invite this guest to his home?” Imam Ali (as) immediately offered to take the man as his guest and soon they proceeded towards Imam Ali’s (as) home.


On reaching home, Imam Ali (as) informed his wife Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) that they had a guest and also enquired as to what they had at home for food. Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) said that they had just enough food to feed the children, but that they would give priority to the poor guest. Imam Ali (as) then offered to turn off the lamp in the house, asking Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) to put the children to bed. Imam Ali (as) thought of making the home dark so that their guest would not notice that his hosts had very little food and get embarrassed. Imam Ali (as) accompanied the guest on the dinner mat but the guest did not notice that Imam Ali (as) had not eaten, since the house was dark.


The night passed by in this manner. The guest ate comfortably and the members of Fatima Al-Zahra’s (sa) home slept hungry.


It has been confirmed by numerous exegetes of the Noble Qur’an that those Qur’anic verse mentioned above refers to the incident that demonstrated the kindness and self-sacrifice of Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) and her family.


Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari (ra), a prominent companion (Sahabi) of Prophet Muhammad (saw) has reported that:


One day, we were with Prophet Muhammad (saw) after Asr (after noon) prayer when an old immigrant man came by who was wearing worn out clothes and was barely able to walk because of his old age and weakness. Prophet Muhammad (saw) inquired him about his welfare and the old immigrant man said, “O Prophet of Allah! I am starving, so feed me; I am naked, so cloth me; and I am poor, so help me!”


Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Surely I have nothing to give you, yet, he, who guides to goodness is equal to one who performs it. So go to the house of one (she) who loves Allah and His messenger, and Allah and His messenger love her. The one who prefers Allah over herself; I mean Fatima (sa).”


Fatima Al-Zahra’s (sa) house was near to that of Prophet Muhammad (saw). He (saw) asked Hazrat Bilal (ra) to lead the old immigrant man to her house. As soon as they reached her house, the old immigrant man cried out loudly, “Peace be upon you O people of the house of Ahlul Bayt of Naboowah, where the angles frequent their visits; where Roohul Amin (Jibril) descends bringing what the Lord of the worlds reveals.” Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) responded to his greetings and asked who he was, to which, the old immigrant man replied, “I am an old Arab man. I have emigrated from a distant land. O Daughter of Prophet Muhammad! I am hungry and in need of clothing – so console me and may Allah bless you.”


This incident occurred at a time when Prophet Muhammad (saw), Imam Ali (as) and Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) had not eaten anything for three days. Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) looked around. The only thing she could see in the house was a goatskin on which his two little children, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain used to sleep. She picked up the goatskin and came to door. She extended that goatskin to the old man from behind the door and said: “Please take this and fulfill your needs.” However, the old man said, “O Daughter of Prophet Muhammad! I complain to you of hunger and you give me a goatskin? How can I eat this?”


Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), the Manifestation of Self-sacrificeFatimah bint Muhammad (sa) thought and then she realized that she was wearing a necklace which was the wedding gift from Fatimah the daughter of Hamzah bin Abdul-Muttalib. Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) took the necklace off and gave it to the old man saying, “Sell this and Allah (SWT) will grant you with a solution to your problem”. The old man took the necklace, brought and showed it to Prophet Muhammad (saw). Prophet Muhammad (saw) looked at the necklace and his eyes filled up with tears. Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Indeed Allah (SWT) will grant you a solution, for Fatima, the Mistress of all the women has given to you this necklace.”


Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (ra), who was present among the companions (Sahabah) said, “O Messenger of Allah! Do you allow me to buy this necklace?” Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Buy it Ammar, surely if all men and women participate in its purchase, Allah (SWT) will protect them from Hellfire”. Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (ra) asked the old man for its price and he replied, “A meal of bread and meat, a Yemeni shirt to cover myself and a dinar to return to my family.” Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (ra) gave him 20 dinar and 200 dirham, a Yemeni shirt, wheat bread and meat, and a horse to take him to his home. Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked the old man if he was satisfied with all that and he replied in affirmation. “So reward Fatima for her kindness”, said Prophet Muhammad (saw). The old man prayed, “O Allah! Give Fatima that which no eyes have ever seen and no ears have ever heard.”


Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (ra) perfumed the necklace with musk and sent it to Prophet Muhammad (saw) with a slave named Sahm whom he had purchased with the booty he received from Khyber, saying, “Give this necklace to the Messenger of Allah and tell him that I gift you to him too.” When the slave delivered the necklace and the message, Prophet Muhammad (saw) said to him, “Take this necklace to Fatima and I gift you to her”. When the slave came to Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), she took her necklace back and set the slave free. When the slave was set free, he laughed loudly.


People who had been watching the whole thing, asked Sahm for the reason of his laughing. Sahm replied: “I laughed when I thought of the abundance of goodness in this glorious necklace – it came out of the house, fed a hungry man, clothed a naked man, and provided for a lost wayfarer. It then freed a slave from his bond and then returned to its rightful owner/mistress.”


The above incident once again demonstrate the kindness and self-sacrifice of Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) and Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (saw) taught us, the Muslims at large, to be grateful to anyone who provides any kind of help. The best expression of that gratitude is doing a Dua for your benefactor. Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) did not need any Dua/Prayer from a stranger, but that was the teaching of the Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (saw) and his methodology.

Story No. 288 – Fatima bint Muhammad (sa): Teaching Knowledge to others

With regard to teaching others, Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) had a role too in teaching the society. She used to find time, despite all her duties, to gather all the wives of the believers and teach them the principles of their religion, and she used to narrate the sayings and traditions of her father. One of these traditions is “A believer is not a believer, if his neighbors do not feel assured that he will no hurt them. He who believes in Allah (SWT) and the Day of Judgment does not hurt his neighbor. He would either say what is good or remain silent. Allah (SWT) is good and loves those who are good, chaste and tolerant. Allah (SWT) hates the backbiter and those who say obscene words.”


Allama Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi (ar) has narrated in Bihar Al-Anwar that: One day, a lady came to Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) and said, “I have an old weak mother who has some problems related to her Salaat (prayers). She has sent me to ask you some questions about them.”


Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) asked her to put the questions to her. The number of questions, one after another, reached ten and Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) answered all of them patiently.


Eventually, the lady said, “O Daughter of the Prophet! I do not wish to trouble you and put you to further inconvenience.”


Thereupon, Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) said, “Come to me and ask me what you know not? Does a person who has been hired on wages of 1000 dinars to carry a heavy thing from ground to roof-top ever feel tired?”


The woman said, “No!”


In other words, however tiring a work may be, if the reward is very good, one may not feel tedious and continue to work harder.


Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) said, “Well! Allah (SWT) has hired me and my wage for answering each question is equal to pearls filled between the earth and the sky – therefore, it does not befit me to exhibit any exhaustion.”


From this above incident, we learn three things:


  1. Allah (SWT) has charged Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) by virtue of being ‘Bidhatur Rasool’ [part of Prophet Muhammad (saw)] with the responsibility of guiding Muslim women and solving their problems.


  1. Muslim women have been encouraged to ask and learn what they know not of the Shariah (Islamic Laws).


  1. Those women who have been blessed with knowledge must put efforts in imparting the same to other women.

Story No. 287 – Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa): Learning, Applying and Teaching Knowledge to others

With regard to knowledge, Islam teaches us three things: Learn, apply and teach others. In the life of Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), we find that she gave importance to all these three stages of Knowledge.


Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa): Learning and Applying Knowledge


One day Prophet Muhammad (saw) came to the house of his beloved daughter Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa). She (sa) asked him a number of questions on religious rights. Among them was a question regarding a wife’s duty towards her husband?


One of the many things that Prophet Muhammad (saw) told her was, “O Fatimah! A woman who demands things, which are outside the means of her husband, is removed from the pale of divine grace.”


After her marriage to Imam Ali (as), we will find that Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) never asked or demanded anything from her husband – lest he (as) cannot afford and is embarrassed to say so!


One day Imam Ali (as) insisted that his wife Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), ask him for something. After much insistence, she (sa) agreed and asked for a pomegranate. As Imam Ali (as) bought one from the market and was walking towards home, his eyes fell upon a poor man who was ill. He (as) asked the poor man what he wanted and the poor man expressed his desire to eat pomegranate. Without any hesitation, Imam Ali (as) gave away the pomegranate he had bought for his wife.


Now, as Imam Ali (as) walked towards his home, he (as) felt guilty and thought that this was the first time ever Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) had asked for a pomegranate and I have been unable to fulfill her wish.


Although Imam Ali (as) was certain that Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) would be happy to know that the pomegranate was given away in good cause, nevertheless, he (as) still felt guilty. Meanwhile, Jibril (Gabriel) came to Prophet Muhammad (saw) with a tray of pomegranates from the Paradise and informed him as to what had happened. Prophet Muhammad (saw) gave the tray to Salman Al-Farsi (ra) and asked him to deliver it to Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) before Imam Ali (as) reached home.


Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) asked, “O Salman! Where has this tray come from?”


Salman Al-Farsi (ra) said, “O Daughter of Holy Prophet! You expressed your desire for a pomegranate from Imam Ali (as), he (as) bought it and gave it to a poor beggar. For his sincere action, Allah (SWT) has sent this tray from the Paradise so that your wish is fulfilled and Imam Ali (as) is also saved from any embarrassment.”


Imam Ali (as) arrived home with his head down due to guilt. As soon as he (as) entered, he (as) asked, “O Fatima! What is this smell of pomegranates I am feeling?”


Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) said, “O Ali! These pomegranates are what you sent. You gave away one to a beggar and in return Allah (SWT) has sent them from Paradise.”


The above incident indicates, how Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa) was learning from his father, Prophet Muhammad (saw) and applying the same knowledge practically into her life.


Remember: One may say this is irrelevant today! Because men and women both work and earn, and as such there is no need for a workingwoman to ask for anything from her husband. As a matter of fact, in some cases workingwoman may end up financially supporting her husband – then what?


Perhaps Prophet Muhammad (saw) was also aware of this. In the advices, which he (saw) gave to his daughter Fatimah bint Muhammad (sa), one was also this: “A woman who says to her husband: You eat and clothe yourself from my wealth, will not have even the glimpse of Paradise.”

Story No. 286 – Moral virtues and Simplicity of Fatema Zahra (sa) / Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh)

Fatema Zahra (sa) lived in a two room house made out of clay, wore the simplest garments from head to toe, grinded wheat and barley with her bare hands to prepare meal for her family, and attended to her four children with utmost love and mercy. Yet, she was no ordinary woman. Fatema Zahra (sa) had high moral virtues and her life is full of spiritual behaviour. Even on her marriage day, Fatema Zahra (sa) did not forget about those in need. A girl’s wedding dress is probably one of her most cherished belongings. However, in the case of the noble Lady Fatema Zahra (sa) it is not.


Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (saw) bought Fatema Zahra (sa) a new dress for her marriage ceremony. Fatema Zahra (sa) owned a patchy dress before. A poor woman came to her house and asked for a used cloth. Fatema Zahra (sa) decided to give her the old patchy dress as the woman had asked but remembered the verse: “By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love.” (Noble Qur’an, 3:92) So she gave her the new wedding dress, while she wore her old dress to her wedding.


When asked by Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (saw) why she did not donate her old dress, Fatema Zahra (sa) replied “Because she followed the teachings of Noble Qur’an. The lesson of selfless love and helping those in need remains clear in every story.


Aurat Ki Manzilat Aur Bibi Pak Syeda Fatima Zahra (sa) Ki Shaan (Urdu)


  1. Agar Beti Hai Tu Rehmat


  1. Agar Biwi Hai Tu Shohar Ke Nisf Eman Ki Waris


  1. Agar Maa Hai Tu Is Ke Qadmoon Taley Jannat


Lekin, Bibi Pak Syeda Fatima Zahra (sa) Ki Shaan Dekhiye Ke App


  1. Us Baap Ke Liye Rehmat Jo Khud Rahmatul Lil Aalameen Hai


  1. Us Shohar Ke Liye Nisf Eman Jo Khud Kul-E-Eman Hai


  1. Aur App Ke Qadmoon Mein Un Baitoon Ki Jannat Hai Jo Khud Jawanan-E-Jannat Ke Sardar Hain

Story No. 285 – Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh): Let Us Walk in Her Footsteps? [Syeda Fatima Zahra (sa)]

A role model can be defined as a guide, pattern, and as a leader. The term “role model” seeks to identify a person who possesses certain characteristics, which people admire and choose to follow. Different people choose different role models in their lives and try to live their life in accordance to what they see in that role model. A role model may have impact in a single aspect of one’s life, or it may have impact on many or all aspects of a person’s life. Naturally one’s life, goal, and motive may then be shaped and constructed based on his/her role model.


One, who chooses Islam as his school of life, has actually chosen a way and goal that has been based on human nature. Thus such a person will search for a character that possesses all the special characteristics that the school of monotheism has offered in each aspect of life in order to reach his goal of perfection.


In the following verse, the Noble Qur’an introduces Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the prophet of Islam, as the best and perfect role model:


“Certainly there is in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much.” (Noble Qur’an, 33:21)


Through a deep study of the life of Lady Fatemah Zahra (pbuh), one can slightly understand her exalted human personality. She is similar to her father, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in terms of her divine and humane character. Her similarity to her father is a truth that can be easily understood through her father’s sayings about her. As the narrator quotes, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came out while holding the hand of Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) in his hand. He said:


“(For) him, who does not know her, she is Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, she is a part of me, she is my soul, which is (located) between my two sides. Certainly, him who harms her has harmed me; and him who harms me has indeed harmed Allah.”


Other than being similar to the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which in itself is a complete and perfect proof of her being a role model, there are many other examples that prove her as a perfect and excellent model.


Bibi Pak Syeda Fatima Zahra (sa) Ki ShaanFor example, Aisha bint Abu Bakr and some others have narrated that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said:


“O Fatimah! Glad tidings be upon you, for the almighty Allah (SWT) has selected you above the women of the worlds and the women of Islam, which is the best religion.”


Let it be noted that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) holds such an esteemed character that all of his sayings, behaviors, and manners are proof for us. He talks according to what is revealed to him and through his deep knowledge and insight. If he is silent about a person, or when he praises, or disgraces another, it is thoroughly true. As the Noble Qur’an notes:


“Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed.” (Noble Qur’an, 53:3-4)


The messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has honored his daughter and has greatly praised her. Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) praises of Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) is not out of a fatherly love and affection. As a matter of fact the praises are due to the actual existence of such valuable moralities in Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuh). She is really great and pure; by praising her, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) seeks to make her real personality clear for others.


Allah (SWT) has selected Prophet of Islam and the Infallible Imams (pbut) as perfect human beings, role models, and guides for all. Similarly, Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuh) is a model for all people of the world, be it man or woman. Truly, following her footsteps is following the Messenger of Allah and the Infallible Imams (pbut).

Story No. 284 – Fatema Zahra (sa): Bidhatur Rasool and Sayyidati Nisa il Aalameen

Prophet Mohammed (saw) has said, “Fatima is part of me, whoever harms her, harms me.” Prophet Mohammed (saw) has also said, “Fatima is part of me, whoever disappoints her, disappoints me.”


In these traditions, the statement that ‘Fatima is part of me’, has an in-depth meaning. It shows that Fatema Zahra (sa) is not only the daughter of Rahmatul Lil Aalameen (Mercy to all the Worlds); No wonder that where Prophet Mohammed (saw) declared Fatima (sa) as part of himself, he (saw) also announced, “Verily my daughter Fatima is the leader of the women of the worlds.”


Fatema Zahra (sa), by virtue of being ‘Bidhatur Rasool’ [part of Prophet Mohammed (saw)] and ‘Sayyidati Nisa il Aalameen’ [Fatima is the leader of the women of the worlds for all times] is an excellent role model particularly for the Muslim women, because the Prophethood of Mohammed (saw) would not have been everlasting without her. Prophet Mohammed (saw) is the perfect example for men but could not be so for women. For all Noble Qur’anic verses revealed for women, Fatema Zahra (sa) has been the perfect model, who translated every verse of Noble Qur’an into action. In her lifetime, she was a complete woman, being daughter, wife and mother par excellence.


As a true role model of women’s rights and respect, Fatema Zahra (sa) cares for her father when everyone else ignore him, encourages her husband when everyone else rebukes him and tends to and raises such children as Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain, Hazrat Zainab and Hazrat Umm Kulthum (pbut). She fights for her right (Fadak) in front of the caliphate at that time, all while maintaining her dignity and modesty. She portrays excellence in all her character, whether it be as a daughter or as a wife or a mother, or as a leader of women, humble yet strong.


All the children of Fatema Zahra (sa) are a jewel in the crown of Islam and Fatema Zahra (sa) is the reason behind it. Both religious and secular scholars agree that a child begins learning in the womb of his mother and the foundation laid by the parent is essential in the future character and morals of the child. Fatema Zahra (sa) displays a model for all the God-fearing parents in the upbringing of her four children. It has been narrated by a companion of Prophet (saw) in Bihar al-Anwar that one day, he saw Fatema Zahra (sa) busy grinding some grain. In the meanwhile, her older son Imam Hassan (as) became impatient and started crying. The companion of Prophet (saw) offered help to Fatema Zahra (sa), asking her whether she would like him to take over the grinding of grain or comforting the child. She answered by saying that it would be better for her to take over the grinding, since she would be better at comforting her child. This proves the importance of a mother being present around her child as much as possible, since only a mother can truly comfort and soothe her child and no one else can be as much of a comfort as a mother.


Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh): Let Us Walk in Her FootstepsFatema Zahra (sa) was the perfect human being that was infallible, according to the verse of Hadith al-Kisa (cover), and which talks about the infallibility of the five people who were under the cover in the house of Umm Salama (sa). Prophet Mohammed (saw) used to remind the people of this Ayah nearly every morning. Where he (saw) used to pass by Fatima Al-Zahra’s (sa) house and say: “Assalamu Alaika Ya Ahle Baite Naboowah (Peace be upon you O people of the house of Ahlul Bayt of Naboowah). Allah (SWT) only wishes to remove uncleanness from you Members of the Family and to purify you.”


Thus, when we talk about Fatema Zahra (sa) we are talking of an infallible human being whose manners were superior to the extent that she could be considered a role model not only for Muslim women, but also for all Muslims being a perfect image of the prophet. Following her means, following her role model in our practice and not just crying for her fate, because she is not an object for our crying and mourning.

Story No. 283 – Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) the Little Supporter: Umme Abiha (mother of her father)

The tenth year after Besat-e-Rasool (The year Prophet Muhammad (saw) began his mission) was a very hard period for Muslims. The respected Hazrat Abu Talib (as) and Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (sa) had passed away within a short span of time. Prophet Muhammad (saw) had lost two of his best and kindest supporters both at home and in the society.


Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) had a very difficult time as well. She had lost a mother like Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (sa) while she was only six years old. However, this was not the only difficulty she had to face; as a matter of fact, every time she would come out of the house, she was faced unpleasant events. She would see the enemies cursing Prophet Muhammad (saw) or even hurting him physically. Nevertheless, she had understood the new situation and despite her young age she had realized that supporting her father, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was of her new responsibilities. Hence, she became a great contributor and supporter of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (saw).


Once she saw a number of people had gathered around in Masjid al-Haram to plan the murder of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) returned home with tearful eyes, and told her father about the plan; as a result the enemies had failed to carry out their plan. At another time, one of the polytheists, who had apparently come to visit Prophet Muhammad (saw), threw dirt and garbage on Prophet Muhammad (saw). Prophet Muhammad (saw), owner of the greatest morality, acted as if nothing had happened, forgave him, and returned home. When Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) saw what had happened to her father, ran to him with some water and washed his father’s head and face. She began to cry at the harsh act the enemies had done to her father, but Prophet Muhammad (saw) told her:


“O my daughter! Do not cry. Be sure that Allah (SWT) will protect your father from all evils and will make him successful in his mission.”


At another incident, when some polytheist poured the waste of a slaughtered Camel and sheep on Prophet Muhammad (saw) during his prostration, again, it was Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) who went to help Prophet Muhammad (saw) with love. She helped her father clean the waste, and with her act caressed her father’s soul.


These affectionate moralities of Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was so much that Prophet Muhammad (saw) called her “Umme Abiha (mother of her father)” implying the deepness of love and care little Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) showed her father, Prophet Muhammad (saw).


Fatima Al-Zahra (sa)As a wife, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was deeply devoted to her husband, Imam Ali (as) and had never asked him for anything in her whole life. As a mother, she cared for and brought up the most wonderful children who have left their marks in history that time will not be able to erase.


Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was very intelligent, accomplished and cheerful. She had inherited the genius and wisdom, determination and willpower, the piety and sanctity, the generosity and benevolence, the devotion and worship of Allah (SWT) as well as other great qualities like self-sacrifice and hospitality, forbearance and patience, and the knowledge and nobility of disposition from her illustrious father, Prophet Muhammad (saw), both in words and deeds. Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned from her door unattended.


We, Muslims believe that Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is the most superior woman through all the centuries and eras. This belief is inferred from Prophetic narratives. In one of these statements (on which both Shiites and Sunnites agree) the Great Prophet Muhammad (saw) says: “Sayyidati Nisa il Aalameen (Fatima is the master of all the women of the worlds.)” Although it is mentioned in the Noble Qur’an that Maryam [Mary, mother of Prophet Jesus (pbuh)] is the best woman in the worlds and has high position and is considered to be chaste and continence and is one of the four greatest women, she was the best woman of her life’s period, but Fatima Al-Zahra’s (sa) superiority is not restricted to her life’s period and is history time. That is why Prophet Muhammad (saw) named her as the greatest women of all the women from the first to the last in another saying. Another point that can be inferred from these narratives is that because Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is the greatest woman and no other has competence with her, knowing and recognizing all her life and every moment of her life is extremely valuable, as we can reach high spiritual states by deliberating it. Furthermore, by referring to the Noble Qur’an we find out that several verses are descended to state her position: (33:33, known as Ayat-e-Tatheer), (3:61, known as Ayat-e-Mubahila), (17:26), the beginning verses of chapter 76 (al-Insan) , the whole chapter 108 (al-Kawthar).

Story No. 282 – Fatima Al-Zahra (sa), Personality, Names, Titles, Birth, Rank

Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) belongs to the noblest family ever existing throughout the whole history of mankind. Her distinguished father Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the very last messenger of Allah (SWT), a personality that the Noble Qur’an introduces him as the Best Paradigm. The mother of Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was a pure noble lady named Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (sa), a godly woman with unparalleled virtues and merits, who dedicated all her life and wealth for the sake of Islam. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is the wife of the Leader of all Believers, Ameerul Momineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), mother of the Masters of the youths of heaven (Syed-e-Shabab-e-Ahlul Jannah) and grandmother of the other nine Imams of Islam. Her name is as beautiful and as peaceful as the garden of heaven.


Her name is Fatimah and her other names are: Zahra, Seddiqah, Tahirah, Mubarakah, Batool, Radiah, Mardiah and Muhaddathah. The word Fatimah means separated. She is named Fatimah because her followers are separated from the Hell because of her. Zahra means luminous. Sixth Imam, Imam Sadiq (as) said: “When Fatimah prayed, she shined for the heavens as the stars shine for people on earth.” Seddiqah means someone who says nothing except the truth. Tahirah means pure and clean, Mubarakah means full of favour and blessing, Batool means separated from uncleanness and Radiah means satisfied with Allah’s (SWT) fate and destiny and Mardiah means laudable. Muhaddathah means the one spoken to by angels. The following are some of her titles: Ensiah (heavenly lady), Haniah (sympathetic), Shahidah (martyr), Afifah (chaste), Sabirah (patient), Alimah (learned), Madhloomah (oppressed), Ma’soomah (infallible), Umm al-Hassan (mother of Hassan), Umm al-Hussain (mother of Hussain), Umm al-A’immah (mother of Imams) and Umme Abiha. Umme Abiha means mother of her father. Prophet Muhammad (saw) has given her this title and this shows that Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) treated Prophet Muhammad (saw) as his mother. This fact was proved throughout the history as she cured her father during the wars and when she was at home and many other cases.


According to the Islamic Calendar, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was born in Makkah on the 20th day of the Islamic Lunar Calendar month, Jumada Al-Thani (615 AD), five years after the declaration of the message of Islam by Prophet Muhammad (saw) and three years after Isra and Miraj (Night journey and ascension of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to heaven) and eight years before Hijrah (migration of Prophet Muhammad (saw) from Makkah to Medina). Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) lived eight years in Makkah with her father and then she immigrated to Medina. When Prophet Muhammad (saw) died in Madina, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was eighteen years and few months old.


Pure noble lady Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (sa) and Prophet Muhammad (saw) bestowed all their natural love, care and devotion on their lovable child Fatima Al-Zahra (sa), who in her turn was extremely fond of her parents.


Batool, Umm al-A’immahAs a daughter, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) loved her parents so much that she won their love and regard. The behavior of Prophet Muhammad (saw) toward his daughter Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was special. Prophet Muhammad (saw) showed unique respect to his dear daughter; whenever Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) came to see him, he (saw) welcomed her, stood up to show respect and even kissed her hand and made her sit at his own place. On every occasion that Prophet Muhammad (saw) decided to go on a journey, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was the last one to whom he (saw) bade farewell, and as soon as he (saw) came back from his trip, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was the first one whom Prophet Muhammad (saw) visited.


Ayesha, the wife of Messenger of Allah (saw), spoke about this physical, spiritual and moral relationship: “Never have I seen anyone more like the Messenger of Allah (saw) in his solemn way of standing and sitting, more than Fatimah, may Allah (SWT) grant her more honor. When she (Fatimah) came in to see him, he (Messenger of Allah) would rise to his feet, take her hand, kiss her and seat her where he was seated. And when he came to see her, she would stand up, take his hand, kiss him and seat him where she was seated.”


Ayesha, the wife of Messenger of Allah (saw), was also reported to have said: “Never have I seen anyone resembling Prophet of Allah, in his way of speaking and talking, better than Fatimah.”


The highest degree of humanity is Infallibility, where the consent and anger is based solely upon the anger and consent of Allah (SWT). An infallible person shows content to whatever Allah (SWT) is content with, and shows anger to whatever angers Allah (SWT). Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is one whom the Almighty Allah is content when she is satisfied, and is angry when she is angry. This position has astonished many people.


Prophet Muhammad (saw) demonstrated to the people the lofty status of women in Islam. One day when a person asked Prophet Muhammad (saw) as to why he showed such respect to his daughter, he (saw) was told: “You do not know Fatima. She has the fragrance of paradise. Do you know that Allah (SWT) is pleased when Fatima is pleased and Allah (SWT) is displeased if Fatima is displeased?”


Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was virtue personified. In fact, she is considered the greatest lady that ever graced Planet Earth. Whatever Prophet Muhammad (saw) said about her was to make people aware of her position and status that would serve as an example for women of all time.


Messenger of Allah (saw), who spoke only what was revealed to him, told her that she [Fatima Al-Zahra (sa)] was the chief and the best of women: “Won’t you be pleased to the chief of believers’ women and the chief of the women of this Ummah (Nation)?”


To acquaint the Muslims with Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) and her high rank, he (saw) said to them: “The best women of Paradise are Khadijah, daughter of Khuwailid, Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, Maryam, daughter of Imran, and Asiyah, daughter of Muzahim, the wife of Fir’on (Pharaoh).”

Story No. 281 – Second Infallible: Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) Sayings: [Peak of Eloquence, Nahjul Balagha]

  • One who develops the trait of greediness and avarice invites degradation; one who keeps on advertising his poverty and ill-luck will always be humiliated; one who has no control over his tongue will often have to face embarrassment and discomfort.
  • When few blessings come your way, do not drive them away through thanklessness.
  • Surrender and acceptance to the Will of Allah are the best companions; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best marks of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem.
  • One who takes account of his shortcomings will always gain by it; one who is unmindful of them will always suffer. One who is afraid of the Day of Judgment is safe from the wrath of Allah; one who takes lessons from the happenings of life obtains vision, one who acquires vision becomes wise, and one who attains wisdom achieves knowledge.
  • Treat people in such a way and live amongst them in such a manner that if you die they weep over you, and if you are alive they crave your company.
  • If you get an opportunity and power over your enemy, then, in thankfulness to Allah for this: forgive him.
  • He is very unfortunate who cannot in his lifetime gain even a few sincere friends and sympathizers and even more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and lost them (through his deeds).
  • Failures are often results of timidity and fears; disappointments are the results of uncalled for modesty; hours of leisure pass away like summer clouds, therefore, do not waste the opportunity to do good.
  • Whose deeds lower him, his pedigree cannot elevate.
  • Be generous but not extravagant, be frugal but not miserly.
  • To give up inordinate desires is the best kind of wealth and fortune.
  • O son of Adam! When you see that in spite of Allah’s constant favors your life is a continuous sin, and then take warning (His Wrath may not turn those very blessings into misfortunes.)
  • Often your utterances and the expressions of your face reveal the secrets of your hidden thoughts.
  • Happy is the man who always kept the afterlife in his view, who remembers the Day of Reckoning through his deeds, who led a contented life and who was happy with the lot that Allah hath destined for him.
  • Adversities often bring your good qualities to the front.
  • Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning, and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself.
  • Hearts of people are like wild birds, they attach themselves to those who love and train them.
  • Only he can forgive who has power to punish.
  • If you help a deserving person without his request then it is generosity and if you help him after his request then mostly it is due to shyness to your refusal or fear of reproach.
  • There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance, no greater heritage than culture and no greater helpmate than consultation.
  • Wealth converts every foreign country into your native place, and poverty turns your native place into a strange land.
  • Contentment is the capital which will never come to an end.
  • Wealth is the fountainhead of inordinate cravings.
  • Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who is carrying news of salvation to you.
  • People in this world are like travelers whose journey is going on as though they are asleep. (Life’s journey is going on though men may not feel it.)
  • To lose friends is to become a stranger in one’s own country.
  • Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg it of others.
  • Do not be ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to return the needy empty-handed is an act of greater shame.
  • If you cannot get things as much as you desire, then be contented with what you have.
  • An uneducated man or a savage will always overdo a thing or neglect to do it properly.
  • Every breath you take is a step forward towards death.
  • Anything which can be counted or reckoned is finite and will come to an end.
  • If you are confused about good or bad effects of an action, then study carefully the cause and you will know what the effects will be.
  • The value of each man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained.
  • I appreciate an old man’s cautious opinion more than the valor of young men.
  • How I wonder at a man who loses hope of salvation when the door of repentance is open for him.
  • He is the wisest and the most knowing man who advises people not to lose hope and confidence in the Mercy of Allah and not to be too sure and over-confident of immunity from His wrath and punishment.
  • Like your body, your mind also gets tired and fagged; in such case find educational diversions for it.
  • That knowledge is very superficial which remains only on your tongue; the intrinsic merit and value of knowledge is that you act upon it.
  • Whenever a tradition of the holy Prophet (SAW) is related to you, examine it carefully and think over it deeply, do not be satisfied with mere verbatim repetition of the same, because there are many people who repeat the words containing knowledge, but there are few who ponder over them and try to fully grasp the meaning they convey.
  • Those who give up religion to better their circumstances in life seldom succeed. The wrath of Allah makes them go through more calamities and losses than the gains they gather for themselves.
  • There are many educated people who have ruined their future on account of their ignorance of religion. Their knowledge did not prove of any avail to them.
  • Only such a person can establish the Divine Rule, who, where justice and equity are required, will neither feel deficient nor weak and who is not greedy and avaricious.
  • When a community is composed of really honest, sober and virtuous people then your forming a bad opinion about any one of its members when nothing wicked has been seen of him is a great injustice to him; on the contrary, in a corrupt society, to form a good opinion of anyone out of those people and to trust him is doing harm to yourself.
  • To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in grief and sorrow.
  • What difference is there between a deed whose pleasure passes away leaving behind it the pangs of pain and punishment and the deed whose cruel severity or oppressive harshness comes to an end leaving behind it heavenly rewards and blessings.
  • Blessings are the man who humbles himself before Allah, whose sources of income are honest, whose intentions are always honorable, whose character is noble, whose habits are sober, who gives away in the name and in the cause of Allah the wealth which is lying surplus with him, who controls his tongue from vicious and useless talk, who abstains from oppression and tyranny, who cheerfully and faithfully follows the traditions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and who keeps himself away from innovation in religion.
  • Whoever is not diligent in his work will suffer sorrow and loss; whoever has no share of Allah in his wealth and in his life then there is no place for him in the realm of Allah.
  • If you understand the majesty of the Lord then you will not attach any importance to the universe and its marvels.
  • An angel announces daily: “The birth of more human beings means so many more will die; the collection of more wealth means so much more will be destroyed; the erection of more buildings means so many more ruins in time to come.”
  • A friend cannot be considered as a friend unless he is tested on three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death.
  • This world is not a place of permanent settlement, it is a passage, a road on which you are passing; there are two kinds of people here, one is the kinds who have sold their souls to eternal damnation. The other is of those who have purchased their souls and freed them from damnation.
  • Daily prayers are the best medium to advance oneself in favor of the Lord. Haj is a Jehad (Holy War) for every weak person. For everything that you own, there is Zakaat, a tax paid to the Lord, and the tax of your health is that you keep fast. The best Jehad of a woman against men is to render his home life-pleasing and congenial.
  • If you want to pray to the Lord for better means of subsistence then first give something in charity.
  • Sorrow will make you half as decrepit as old age.
  • Many persons get nothing out of their fasts but hunger and thirst; many more get nothing out of their night prayers but exertions and sleepless nights. Wise and sagacious persons are praiseworthy even if they do not fast and sleep during the nights.
  • Remember that there are three kinds of people, one kind is of those learned people who are highly versed in the ethics of truth and philosophy of religion, second is the kind of those who are acquiring the above knowledge, and the third is that class of people who are uneducated. They follow every pretender and accept every slogan, they have neither acquired any knowledge nor have they secured the support of firm and rational convictions.
  • Remember Kumail, Knowledge is better than and superior to wealth because it protects you and you have to guard wealth because wealth decreases if you keep on spending it and knowledge increases the more you make use of it; and because what you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears.
  • One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure. (Every kind of complex, superiority or inferiority is harmful to man.)
  • One who adopts patience will never be deprived of success though the success may take a long time to reach him.
  • One who assents or subscribes to the actions of a group or a party is as good as if he has committed the deed himself. A man who joins a sinful deed makes himself responsible for two-fold punishments; one for doing the deed and the other for assenting and subscribing to it.
  • One who guards his secrets has complete control over his affairs.
  • Oppression and tyranny are the worst companions for hereafter.
  • There is enough light for one who wants to see.
  • Often the inordinate desire to secure a single gain acts as a hindrance for the quest of many profitable pursuits.
  • People often hate those things which they do not know or cannot understand.
  • One who seeks advices learns to recognize mistakes.
  • One who fights for the cause of Allah secures victory over his enemies.
  • When you feel afraid or nervous to do a thing then do it, because the real harm which you may thus receive is less poignant than its expectation and fear.
  • Your supremacy over others is in proportion to the extent of your knowledge and wisdom.
  • The best way to punish an evil-doer is to reward handsomely the good deeds of a good person.
  • Obstinacy and stubbornness will not allow you to arrive at a correct decision.
  • Deficiency will result in shame and sorrow, but caution and foresight will bring peace and security.
  • To keep silent when you can say something wise and useful is as bad as to keep on propagating foolish and unwise thoughts.
  • If two opposite theories are propagated, one will be wrong.
  • One who starts tyranny will repent soon.
  • One who cannot benefit by patience will die of grief and excitement.
  • If you find that somebody is not grateful for all that you have done for him then do not get disappointed because often you will find that someone else feels under your obligation though you have done nothing for him and thus your good deeds will be compensated, and Allah will reward you for your goodness.
  • Hearts (minds) have the tendencies of likes and dislikes, and are liable to be energetic and lethargic, therefore, make them work when they are energetic and on subjects which they like.
  • The destitute is the messenger of Allah. Whoever denies him denies Allah and whoever gives him gives Allah.
  • Avarice is disgrace; cowardice is a defect; poverty often disables an intelligent man from arguing his case; a poor man is a stranger in his own town; misfortune and helplessness are calamities; patience is a kind of bravery; to sever attachments with the wicked world is the greatest wealth; piety is the best weapon of defense.
  • He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated.
  • The sin that makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant.
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