Story No. 319 – Imam Hussein’s (as) treatment to his enemies (Hazrat Hur ibn Riahi)

Imam Hussein’s (as) treatment to his enemiesOur 3rd Imam, Imam Hussein (as) was very kind and always thought about others before himself.


When Imam Hussein (as) was traveling to Karbala knowing what was going to happen to him and his family, he met Hazrat Hurr – the commander of Yazid army and his soldiers. Imam Hussein (as) knew that this was the army sent by Yazid ibn Muawiya to fight Imam Hussain (as) and his followers.


This was the army that was going to stop Imam Hussain (as) and his followers from getting water. This was the army who was going to kill Imam Hussein (as) and his family and friends.


Although Imam Hussain (as) knew all this, when Imam Hussein (as) saw how thirst the army looked and that they had no water, Imam Hussein (as) immediately told his men to give their water to the army of Hazrat Hurr.


Not only did Imam Hussein (as) and his men give water to the army but also to their horses.


Moral of the Story: No matter how horrible someone is to you, you should always be nice to them because that is what Allah (SWT) has taught us.

Story No. 318 – Imam Hussein (as) and Martyrdom in the way of Truth (Islam)

Our 3rd Imam, Imam Hussein (as) was a man of faith and action. During nights, he worshipped Allah (SWT) in privacy, while during the day he worked hard and guided the people. He was constantly mindful of the poor and the needy, and he used to visit them and cheer them up. He used to tell his followers: “Be always in touch with the needy, for Allah (SWT) does not love the arrogant”.

Imam Hussein (as) always helped the poor as much as he could. At night he would carry sacks of food to the houses of the poor by following the footsteps of his father Imam Ali (as) and leave them near the doors. He worked hard to eradicate poverty, establish justice and acquaint the people with Allah (SWT).

During the time of Imam Hussein (as) a tyrant called Yazid ibn Muawiya became the ruler. Yazid called himself the successor of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), but this was a lie. He used to spend the income of the Islamic realm on drinking, gambling and wild parties. Public wealth was wasted for supporting his regime and the rights of the poor were trampled upon. In this way he totally scorned the instructions of Islam.

When Yazid ibn Muawiya became ruler of the Muslims he immediately demanded Imam Hussein (as) to recognize him as the ruler and accept his leadership (give Bayat); but Imam Hussein (as) was the true successor of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and could not accept and endorse the leadership of an oppressor. Imam Hussein (as) began to enlighten and awaken the people about Yazid ibn Muawiya and exhorted them to dissociate from him. He would tell them: “Do you not see that the truth is being trampled upon and the falsehood and oppression are prevailing? In such conditions, a Muslim must be ready for martyrdom in defense of the right. Martyrdom and self-sacrifice for the sake of truth is victory and success, while life with the oppressors is no more than shame and disgrace.”

At that time the people of Kufa (Iraq) were loving followers of Imam Hussein (as) who had been suffering at the hands of Yazid and his father, Muawiya. They invited Imam Hussein (as) to Kufa to lead them against Yazid and his wicked rule. Imam Hussein (as) had indeed decided to rise up and fight, and so he accepted the invitation and set off for Kufa.

When Imam Hussein (as) and his followers were near Kufa, they were met by Yazid’s troops under the leadership of Hazrat Hurr. The troops wanted to arrest Imam Hussein (as) and his followers and take them to Yazid. Imam Hussein (as) told them: “Never will I accept disgrace and surrender to Yazid ibn Muawiya. Death for me is superior to disgrace and I am ready to defend Islam and the Muslims until I get martyred.”

At a place called Karbala Imam Hussein (as), his family and helpers were surrounded by Yazid’s troops. Imam Hussein (as) and his followers stood firm as they fought against thousands of troops of Yazid. Finally, on 10th Muharram, 61 AH (the day we call ‘Ashura’), they were martyred.

Imam Hussein (as) and his followers were martyred, but they did not submit to injustice and oppression. They defended Islam and the Muslims. With their blood they saved Islam and the Holy Qur’an from the danger of annihilation at the hands of Yazid ibn Muawiya. Imam Hussein (as) fought against oppression and defended the religion of Islam, and by doing so he taught the world the greatest lesson on freedom and righteousness.

For this reason we call Imam Hussein (as) “Sayyid al-Shuhada” which means lord of the martyrs. Now the turn has come for us to safeguard and defend Islam. We must shoulder this magnificent responsibility.

Story No. 317 – Imam Hussein (as) and Kindness, charity and love for poor

Imam Hussein (as) is our 3rd Imam. He was well known for his kindness, charity and love for the poor.

One day when Imam Hussein (as) was riding through the streets of Madina, he came across some beggars who had gathered together to eat the food that they had begged for during the day. The beggars saw Imam Hussein (as) and invited him to join them.

Imam Hussein (as) was not allowed to take anything given in charity (Sadaqah) as he was from the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Sadaqah is forbidden (Haraam) for all members of the family (Ahlul Bayt) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Imam Hussein (as) got off his horse and sat down with the beggars.

Imam Hussein (as) then explained to them that although he would love to eat with them, he could not because as a member of the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) he could not take Sadaqah. As an alternative he invited all of the beggars to his house for food so that they could all eat together.

Moral of the Story: You should always be kind to others, especially the poor. You should not compromise your beliefs for anyone, but at the same time you should be polite in how you tell them.

Story No. 316 – Noble Qur’an and Imam Hussain (a.s.) By: Mulla Mujahid Sherrif

Abu Abdil Rahman Salmi was a tutor of the Noble Qur’an in Madina. Many children would come to him to learn how to recite the Holy book of Allah (SWT).


One day he taught a son of Imam Hossein (a.s.) to recite Surah Al-Fatihah (Al-Hamd). When the child recited the Surah Al-Fatihah before his father, then Imam Hussain (a.s.) was so pleased that he rewarded the tutor with valuable gifts.


Some people criticized this action saying it was not necessary to give so much in return for teaching one Surah. In reply, Imam Hussein (a.s.) said, “What comparison can there be between the gift I have given to the tutor of my child, and his teaching the Noble Qur’an, the gift which he has given to my child?”


Imam Hossein (a.s.) gave a lot of importance to the Noble Qur’an during his life. During the night of Qadr, in the Holy month of Ramadhan, there is a specific Ziyaarah of Imam Hussein (a.s.) which we recite. At one point, in that ziyaarah, we say: “I bear witness that you established prayers, and gave zakat (poor-rate), enjoined good and forbade evil, and you recited the Book (Noble Qur’an) the way it should be recited.”


Similarly, on the nights of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, in another Ziyaarah of Imam Hossein (a.s.), we say: “I bear witness that indeed you recite the book of Allah (SWT)” “Peace be upon you O companion of Noble Qur’an”.


Imam Al-Hujjah (A.F.) in his Ziyaarah addresses Imam Hussein (a.s.) saying: “You were for the Prophet, a son and for the Noble Qur’an, a support”.


All these wordings of different Ziyaarah show the relation of Imam Hossein (a.s.) with the Noble Qur’an during his life.


Like other Imams (a.s.), Imam Hossein (a.s.) also used to guide people through the book of Allah (SWT). The following beautiful incident has been recorded in Safinatul Bihar:


Assaam bin Mustaliq was a man from Damascus who used to be a staunch enemy of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), particularly of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.). It is related that one day he came to Madina. As he entered the city gate, his eyes fell on Imam Hossein (a.s.). Assaam bin Mustaliq was very disappointed and the hatred of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) became evident in him. He approached Imam Hussein (a.s.) and asked, “Are you the son of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib?” Imam Hossein (a.s.) replied in affirmative. When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he began to abuse the Imam Hossein (a.s.) and spoke bad words to him. Imam Hossein (a.s.) calmly looked at him. When he was over, Imam Hossein (a.s.) recited the following verses from the Noble Qur’an:


“Adopt tolerance, enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant. And if a prompting from Satan instigates you (to evil), then seek refuge with Allah. Verily He is all-Hearing, all-Knowing. Verily those who safeguard themselves (against evil) with full awareness of divine laws, when an evil thought from Satan assails them, they remember Allah, and lo! They see light. And their brethren plunge them deeper into error, so they do not slacken their efforts”. (7:199-202)


Then Imam Hossein (a.s.) said to Assaam bin Mustaliq, “You have been misled. We pray for our and your forgiveness from Allah (SWT). If you need our help, then we are willing to help. If you need our protection, then we are willing to defend you. And if you need our guidance, then we are willing to guide you”.


When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he was very ashamed of his rude remarks. Imam Hussain (a.s.) continued, “From today onwards, there shall be no blame on you. May Allah (SWT) forgive you and He is the most Merciful”. Then Imam Hossein (a.s.) asked, “Are you from Damascus?” Assaam bin Mustaliq said, “Yes”. Imam Hossein (a.s.) said, “Whatever remarks you passed is of no importance to me, may Allah (SWT) protect us both. Without hesitation, present your needs to me. Whatever I offer you, I hope, will remove all misconceptions you have of me”.


Assaam bin Mustaliq says, “When I heard this, I felt so ashamed but could not find any place to hide myself. Moreover, I wished the earth would tear apart and I would fall into it. After this encounter, there is no one on the face of this earth who is more beloved to me than Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his father, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.)”.

Story No. 315 – Wasilah, Tawassul (Intercession) of Imam Hussein (a.s.)

When Imam Hossein (a.s.) was born, Allah (SWT) sent down the angel Jibrail (a.s.) to congratulate the family of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).

On the way down from the heavens angel Jibrail (a.s.) passed an island, on which the angel Fitrus was sent to by Allah (SWT) because he had been naughty. Fitrus had also had his wings taken away by Allah (SWT).

When Fitrus saw Jibrail (a.s.) he asked him where he was going. Jibrail (a.s.) told him that he was going to congratulate the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his family on the birth of Imam Hossein (a.s.).

Fitrus asked if he could also go with him. Jibrail (a.s.) agreed with the permission of Allah (SWT) and so carried him down to earth.

When the angels reached the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and congratulated him and his family, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told Fitrus to go to Imam Hossein (a.s.).

When Fitrus touched Imam Hossein’s (a.s.) cradle his wings were given back to him by Allah (SWT), who had forgiven him.

If you want something it is better to ask through our Imam’s (a.s.) as they are closer to Allah (SWT) than we are.

Story No. 314 – Imam Hossein (a.s.) and Kindness on Animals

Imam Hossein (a.s.) saw a Muslim slave in a farm eating together with dog. On being questioned by the Imam Hossein (a.s.), the slave replied. “On account of my master who is a Jew and his taking very hard work from me, I remain sad due to bad treatment. But I take joy in feeding this dog with me with whatever I get to eat.”

On hearing this, the Imam Hossein (a.s.) made contact with the Jew master and offered him 200 Ashrafi for the slave. The Jew was so much impressed by the Imam’s generosity that he offered the slave to the Imam Hussein (a.s.) free of charge. Imam Hossein (a.s.) accepted the slave with a kind gesture and gave a gift of 200 Ashrafi to the slave boy and set him free. The wife of the Jew was watching all this and came forward and forgave her Meher money to her husband, the Jew. At this goodness of the wife the husband gave his wife the whole house and the farm as gift.

All this happened due to the kindness of the slave for feeding the dog from the same food that he was eating.

Story No. 313 – Imam Hossein (a.s.): Do you want to stay away from Sins?

A man came to Imam Hossein (a.s.) and said, “I frequently disobey Allah (SWT) and cannot prevent myself from sins; therefore, please, give me an advice O son of messenger of Allah (SWT) so that I may keep away from sins.”


Do you want to stay away from Sins?Imam Hossein (a.s.): “Do five things and then commit sins as much as you want.”


Sinner: “Please tell me what those five things are.”


Imam Hossein (a.s.): “(1) Do not eat from the provisions of Allah (SWT), and then do whatever you like.”


Sinner: “Then what will I be able to eat because whatever there is in his universe is from Allah (SWT)?”


Imam Hossein (a.s.): “(2) Then leave the earth of Allah (SWT), and then do whatever you like.”


Sinner: “O Imam, this is even more difficult than the first! If I leave the earth, then where would I live? because all belongs to Allah (SWT).”


Imam Hossein (a.s.): “(3) Then find a place where Allah (SWT) cannot see you, and then do whatever you like.”


Sinner: “But, O Imam, nothing is hidden from Allah (SWT).”


Imam Hossein (a.s.): (4) Then do one thing, when the angel of death (Izrail) comes to you, keep him away from yourself, and then do whatever you like. And if you cannot do that, then lastly, (5) do not enter the Hell when Allah (SWT) sends you into it. If you can do that, then go and commit whatever sins you like.”


Sinner: “That’s it, O son of messenger of Allah (SWT)! From today, Allah (SWT) will not find me in a situation which He dislikes.”

Story No. 312 – Imam Hussain (pbuh) Made Muawiya’s Scheme Fail in Marrying Urainab to Yazid

Yazid son of Muawiya came to know about the beauty of Urainab, daughter of Ishaq who was the wife of the Qurayshite Abdullah bin Salam. Urainab, was the most beautiful and accomplished woman of her time and possessed enormous wealth. Yazid son of Muawiya fell in love with her without having seen her. He lost all patience and mentioned the matter to Muawiya’s favorite slave named Rafig. The slave informed Muawiya about this love and told him that his son was very keen to marry Urainab, daughter of Ishaq. Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan called Yazid and enquired from him about the matter. Yazid admitted that whatever Muawiya had been told was correct. Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan said: “Be calm and patient. Something will be done in this behalf”. Yazid ibn Muawiya said: It is no use consoling me now because the matter is already finished. She has already been married. Muawiya said: My dear son! Keep the secret to yourself, because if it is divulged it will do you no good. God completes what He ordains and what has already happened cannot be helped.


Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan began thinking of solving the problem and meeting the wish of Yazid to marry Urainab. Abdullah son of Salam, the husband of Urainab was at that time the Governor of Iraq. Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan wrote a letter to him saying: “I have an urgent business with you. Please come and see me as early as possible. The matter is beneficial to you.”


On receiving Muawiya’s letter Abdullah son of Salam proceeded to Syria at once and met Muawiya. The latter received him with great honor and respect. At that time Abu Darda and Abu Huraira, two companions (Sahabah) of Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) were also available in Damacus. Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan called for them and said to them: “Such and such daughter of mine is now of age and I am anxious to give away her hand in marriage. I think Abdullah son of Salam is a good man and I wish that she may marry him.”


Both of them praised Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan for his intelligence and devoutness and said that whatever he had thought of was absolutely proper.


Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan said to them: “Both of you should meet Abdullah son of Salam and mention the matter to him and find out his opinion about it. Although I have authorized my daughter to marry a man of her choice, but I am sure that she will like Abdullah son of Salam and will not refuse to marry him.”


Abu Darda and Abu Huraira went to see Abdullah son of Salam. In the meantime Muawiya went into his palace and said to his daughter: “Dear daughter! Just hear what I have to say. When Abu Darda and Abu Huraira come to you and tell you that I want to get you married to Abdullah son of Salam, you should say: “Of course, Abdullah son of Salam is a good man and a near relative and of equal status with us. However, he has already married Urainab, daughter of Ishaq and I am afraid that if I marry him I may also become jealous of her like all other women. If, in that event, I say something unbecoming about Abdullah son of Salam I am afraid that I may invite the wrath of Allah (SWT) by doing so. However, if Abdullah son of Salam divorces Urainab I am agreeable to marry him”.


When Abu Darda and Abu Huraira conveyed the Message of Muawiya to Abdullah son of Salam he was over joyed and told them to inform Muawiya that the proposal was acceptable to him. When they informed Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan of the developments he said to them: “As I have already told you I would like this marriage. However, I have authorized my daughter to marry a man of her own choice. You should, therefore, go to her and ask her whether she is ready to marry Abdullah son of Salam”.


When they approached the girl she gave them the same reply, which Muawiya had taught her to give. They then conveyed her reply to Abdullah son of Salam.


When Abdullah son of Salam came to know that it was not possible to marry Muawiya’s daughter unless he divorced his wife he was overpowered by avarice and divorced Urainab. He said to Abu Darda and Abu Huraira: “Bear witness to the fact that I have divorced Urainab. You should inform Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan about this and also convey my proposal to him”.


When they came to Muawiya and told him what had happened he said: “Oh! What has Abdullah son of Salam done? Why has he divorced his wife? He should not have been so hasty. Had he waited for a few days might have arranged his marriage with my daughter without allowing things to come to such a pass? Anyhow, you should go now and ask my daughter whether she is agreeable to this marriage”.


Yazid ibn Muawiya marrying UrainabAbu Darda and Abu Huraira approached Muawiya’s daughter once again and told her that Abdullah son of Salam had divorced his wife. They also stated that Abdullah son of Salam was a very noble-minded and competent person and enquired from her whether she was prepared to marry him.


Muawiya’s daughter replied: “Abdullah son of Salam no doubt enjoys a high position amongst the Quraysh. However, as you are aware marriage is not something trivial so that one may agree to it without seriously pondering over the matter. It is a contract for one’s whole life. You gentlemen may, therefore go now. I shall think over the matter and give you a reply later.”


Both of them blessed her and departed. They then went to Abdullah son of Salam and informed him about what the girl had said. Abdullah son of Salam said: “All right. Let us wait. If it is not settled today, it will be settled tomorrow.”


It was the talk of the town that Abdullah son of Salam had divorced his wife and had proposed to Muawiya’s daughter. As all were aware of the cunning of Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan and the loose character of Yazid ibn Muawiya they blamed and censured Abdullah son of Salam for having divorced his wife without first winning the consent of Muawiya’s daughter.


After a few days Abdullah son of Salam sent Abu Darda and Abu Huraira again to the daughter of Muawiya. They advised her to give a final reply where upon she said: “I am sure Allah (SWT) has decided well for me, because He does not forsake one who relies upon Him. I have pondered over the matter and have come to the conclusion that my marrying Abdullah son of Salam will not be a successful one. I have also consulted my well-wishers in the matter. Some of them have approved the marriage but others have opposed it”.


When Abdullah son of Salam came to know about the reply, which had been given by Muawiya’s daughter he became sure that he had been duped. This grieved him very much. The news spread was the talk of the town. The people blamed Muawiya for having defrauded Abdullah son of Salam and making him divorces his wife so that she might later marry Yazid ibn Muawiya.


Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan was successful at the first stage of his scheme to fulfill the desire of his son but eventually the divine will frustrated his program. His plan failed owing to the interference by Imam Hussain (pbuh) who had grown up on the pattern of life of his illustrious father Imam Ali (pbuh). Helping the oppressed had become his second nature.


When the waiting period (Idda) of Urainab, daughter of Ishaq expired Muawiya sent Abu Darda companion (Sahabi) of Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) to her to convey to her proposal for marriage on behalf of Yazid ibn Muawiya. Abu Darda left Damascus and reached Kufa. It so happened that Imam Hussain (pbuh) son of Imam Ali (pbuh) was also in Kufa at that time. Abu Darda considered it proper to pay his respects to the son of Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in the first instance. He, therefore, presented himself before the Imam Hussain (pbuh). Imam Hussain (pbuh) enquired from him the reason for his visiting Kufa. Abu Darda informed him that he had been sent by Muawiya to propose to Urainab daughter of Ishaq on behalf of his son Yazid. He then related to the Imam Hussain (pbuh) in detail the events, which had already taken place. Imam Hussain (pbuh) said: “I also thought that Urainab would marry some other person and intended to propose to her after her “Idda” ended. Now that you have arrived here it will be better if you convey my proposal to her. She may choose whomsoever she likes. However, I am prepared to give her dower equal to that which Yazid ibn Muawiya has promised her.”


Abu Darda promised to convey the Imam Hussain’s (pbuh) message to Urainab. Then he took leave of Imam Hussain (pbuh) and reached her house. He said to her: “Madam! It was destined that Abdullah son of Salam should divorce you. You are not going to be a loser on this account. Yazid son of Muawiya and Imam Hussain (pbuh) son of Imam Ali (pbuh) wish to marry you. Both of them have conveyed their proposals to you through me. You may choose whomever you like.”


Urainab kept quiet for some time and then said: “If some other person had brought these two proposals to me I would have called you for consultation and would have acted according to your suggestion. Now that you yourself have brought these proposals I leave the final decision to you.”


Abu Darda replied: “It was my duty to convey the proposals to you, but you are yourself the best judge in the matter.” Urainab said: “No; that is not so. I am your niece and cannot act in this matter without your advice.”


Imam Hussain (pbuh) son of Imam Ali (pbuh)When Abu Darda saw that she was bent upon obtaining his opinion he said: “I feel that the son of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is a better choice.” Urainab said: “I agree with you. Also I like him.”


Imam Hussain (pbuh) then married Urainab and paid her the stipulated amount of dower.


When Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan came to know what had happened he was very angry and abused Abu Darda. Then he said to himself: “Abu Darda has not been at fault. It was my own mistake. If a person entrusts such a difficult task to a simpleton he must fail.”


At the time of his departure for Damascus, Abdullah son of Salam had entrusted a large sum of money to Urainab. Later when he divorced her and Muawiya’s daughter also refused to marry him it became known to the people that Abdullah son of Salam had been deceived by Muawiya and made to divorce his wife. This was a matter of disgrace for Muawiya and he held Abdullah son of Salam responsible for it. He, therefore, dismissed him from service and stopped his stipend. Abdullah son of Salam became penniless. He, therefore, returned to Iraq with the hope that he might get back from Urainab the money, which he had left with her. He was, however, afraid that she might decline to return the money on account of his misbehavior and for his divorcing her without a just cause.


After his return to Iraq he met Imam Hussain (pbuh) and said: “As you must be aware I was duped and made to divorce Urainab. While leaving for Damascus I left some money with her as a trust.”


Then he praised Urainab much and said: “I shall be grateful if you speak to her and ask her to return that money to me. It is possible that with that amount in hand I may be saved from indigence.”


Imam Hussain (pbuh) went to Urainab and said: “Abdullah son of Salam came to see me. He praised you very much for your honesty, which pleased me much. He also told me that he entrusted some money to you at the time of his departure for Damascus. It will be only proper that you should return that money to him because I think that what he has stated is correct.”


Urainab replied: “It is true that he left some bags with me, but I don’t know what they contain. They are still lying sealed as they were. I shall bring them to you and you may return the same to him.”


Imam Hussain (pbuh) praised Urainab on hearing this and said: “Will it not be better if I call him here so that you may return the bags to him yourself?” Then he met Abdullah son of Salam and said to him: I have conveyed your message to Urainab. She admits your having left some bags with her; they are still lying sealed, as they were. It will be better if you come to Urainab and take back the bags from her.


Abdullah son of Salam felt very much ashamed and said: “I would request you to make arrangements for the return of money to me.” (i.e. I feel ashamed to face Urainab). Imam Hussain (pbuh) replied: “No. That cannot be. You should take back the money from her in the same manner in which you gave it to her.”


Imam Hussain (pbuh), therefore, brought Abdullah son of Salam to his house and then said to Urainab: “Abdullah son of Salam has come and demands the things which he entrusted to you. Return the same to him in the same manner in which you took them from him.”


Urainab brought the bags and placing them outside the curtain said to him: “Here it is what you entrusted to me.” Abdullah son of Salam thanked Urainab and praised her for her honesty. Imam Hussain (pbuh) then left the place leaving them alone. Abdullah son of Salam broke the seal of the bag, took out some dinars from it and presented them to her requesting her to accept the same from him. Thereupon tears trickled from their eyes and they began to cry loudly. Imam Hussain (pbuh) heard the sound of their crying. Imam Hussain (pbuh) then re-entered the room and said with great kindness: “Just hear me. I call Allah (SWT) to witness that I have divorced Urainab just now. I call Allah (SWT) to witness that I did not marry her for the sake of her beauty or wealth. What I had desired was that it might become lawful for her to re-marry her first husband.


Thus Urainab became the wife of Abdullah son of Salam once again and Muawiya’s scheme failed.


After re-marrying Urainab Abdullah son of Salam said to her: “You should return the amount of dower which Imam Hussain (pbuh) gave you.” She brought the money and gave it to Abdullah son of Salam to give it to the Imam Hussain (pbuh). However, Imam Hussain (pbuh) declined to accept the money and said: “The spiritual reward which I shall get in the Hereafter for this good deed is much better than worldly wealth.”

Story No. 311 – Fourth Infallible Sayings: Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.)

  • Be prepared for your traveling (for Akhira), and keep ready your necessity before your death comes.
  • O’ Son of Adam! Since the day you left your mother’s womb you life has been on the decrease. Therefore, avail yourself of that between your hands for the hereafter, because the believer takes provisions (from this world) and the disbeliever only takes his leisure (from this world).
  • If you fail to obtain something of worldly benefit, take it as if the thought of it had never crossed your mind at all.
  • Never did a nation resort to mutual counsel except that they were guided by it towards maturity.
  • It is love which brings closer those who are remote by ancestry, and it is (the absence of) love which causes dissociation between those who are related by ancestry.
  • Opportunity is something which is quick to vanish and late to return.
  • I wonder about the person who contemplates about his nutrition but he does not consider (the food of) his intellect. Thus, he avoids of what hurts him in his stomach but he lets his mind to be filled with what destroys him.
  • Associate with and treat the people in way as you like to get associated and treated by them.
  • The one who continues his visits (going and coming) to the mosque does lay his hands upon one of eight benefits:
    • (Getting to know) one of the decisive verses.
    • Finding a beneficial brother.
    • Fresh knowledge.
    • A mercy waiting for him.
    • A word leading to the guidance.
    • An admonition averting from sin.
    • Not committing sin out of scheme.
    • Not committing sin for the fear of Allah.
  • When the desirable and commendable services damage and harm the obligatory services, abandon them.
  • And know it that indeed whoever fears Allah (adopts piety). Allah paves his way of salvation out of the inequities. And makes him firm in his matter. And provides him (the path of) guidance. And makes his proof and arguments successful and enlightens his face and grants him what he desires. He is with those upon whom Allah has bestowed His beneficences and boons from among the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and pious ones.
  • The greatest forgiveness and pardon of Allah comes when the sinner is not able to make a pretext for his wrong doing.
  • Allah provides everything to one who worships Allah.
  • Piety is the gateway to all repentance, and the principal of all wisdom, and the distinction of all deeds.
  • Whoever relies on the excellence of Allah’s choices, doesn’t wish to be in other than the situation that Allah has chosen for him.
  • The height of intelligence is associating with people amicably.
  • One who lacks intelligence has no decorum, and one who lacks determination has no magnanimity, and one who has no modesty has no religion.
  • Do not be hasty in punishing (someone’s) sin, and leave (room) between the two (fault and punishment) for apology.
  • The most preferable adornment is graceful manners.
  • The best wealth is contentment and the worst poverty is humility.
  • Clemency is suppression of anger and self-restraint.
  • Generosity is giving in prosperity and adversity.
  • The annihilation of people lies in three things: Arrogance, Greed and envy. Arrogance causes destruction of the religion and because of it Satan was cursed, and Greed is the enemy of one’s soul, and because of it Adam was expelled from Paradise, and envy is the guide to wickedness, and because of it Qabil killed Habil.
  • Teach others your knowledge and learn knowledge of others so you will bring your knowledge to perfection and learn something which you do not know.
  • One is ignorant of blessing as long as they are present, but when they pass, one becomes aware (of the value) of them.
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