Story No. 156 – Muhammad, The Last Prophet’s (saw) speech on Mount Safa
To promulgate the holy religion of Islam to all Arab tribes and all over the world, Allah (SWT) commanded Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) to openly declare his prophetic mission and explain to the masses the truth of his faith.
Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) made his way to Mount Safa, the most well-known elevation in the whole of Makkah, to announce Islam to its people at a time when 360 idols were placed around the Kaaba. He felt no fear or shame. Stood on a high place, and exclaimed, ‘Ya Sabaha-hu’. His voice resounded on the mountain and attracted the attention of the people. Large crowds from various tribes hurried toward him to hear what he was going to say. Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) turned to them and said, ‘O people! Will you believe me if I say there is an army marching behind this mountain which is about to attack you?’
They all answered, ‘Of course we would, we have not heard a lie from you throughout your life’.
Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) said, ‘O people of the Quraish! I warn you to fear God’s punishment. Save yourself from the fire. My position is the same as that of the sentry who sees the enemy from afar and warns his people of the danger of their enemies. Does such a person ever lie to his people?’
Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, who feared lest Muhammad, The Last Prophet’s (saw) words should impress the people, broke the silence and addressing him said, ‘Give our oath to you? May you perish (die)! Have you gathered us here to tell us such words?’
Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib interrupted Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw) so rudely and did not let him continue his speech. In return for so much insolence, denial of the truth, and cooperation with the idol worshippers and polytheists, Allah (SWT) revealed the verse that severely reproves Muhammad, The Last Prophet (saw).
“May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, may he (himself) perish. His wealth avails him not, neither what he had earned. Soon will he roast in a flaming fire, and his wife, the bearer of the firewood, upon her neck a rope of twisted palm-fibre.” (Noble Qur’an, 111:1-5)