Story No. 177 – Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) among the people
Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) possessed the magnificent status of prophecy and divine leadership, but his manners in dealing with the people and his way of life were so simple and gentle that when he was among the people and a newcomer wanted to know about him, he had to ask, ‘Which one of you is the Prophet’?
He had no love for luxuries or the illusions of this mortal world. He was never enchanted by any worldly things, and he invariably looked upon this world’s life as a passing one.
Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) spoke in short, meaningful sentences and was never seen or heard to interrupt anybody’s speech.
He never spoke with a morose face, nor did he ever apply rough, awkward words instead he always spoke with a smiling face. Unlike grants and despotic rulers, Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) never looked at those who were addressing him with half-closed eyes. Whenever he met anyone he said, ‘Salamun Alaikum’.
Although Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) was the Messenger of Allah (SWT) and had been appointed by Allah (SWT) to guide the people, yet he was not ashamed of doing his work with his own hands. Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) assisted the members of his family in household work and performed the jobs of other persons with great pleasure. Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) mended his clothes and shoes. He also took part in the construction of Masjid-E-Nabawi in Medinah along with his companions (Sahabah).
Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) did not care to sit down in the seat of honour in gatherings, and on entering any place would sit down in the first empty seat available.
He did not let anybody stand up before him and treated others most respectfully. Of course, the virtuous people were most revered by him.
Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) was justly angered when he observed a violation of Allah’s (SWT) commands and of Islam and was most pleased at the good deeds. Both his pleasure and displeasure were only for Allah (SWT).
Owing to his great modesty, he normally preferred riding a mule while moving around, using a saddle made of date-palm fiber. Sometimes he also rode his she-camel. If he was riding and somebody wished to accompany him on foot, he would ask him either to mount behind, and if the man declined out of respect, he would ask him to go ahead and await him at the fixed place, because he did not like the sight of people following him on foot, while he himself was mounted.