Story No. 310 – Excellence of Hasnain al-Kareemain in the light of prophetic traditions
Prominence of Imam Hassan ibn Ali and Imam Hussain ibn Ali – Allah’s pleasure be upon them all – in the famous and authentic books of Ahle Sunnah.
1. It is reported that once, Imam Hassan (as) approached Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – and climbed on his shoulders. A person, (who was present) remarked, “O blessed son! What a nice steed you have”. In reply, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared, “And how nice a rider (too).” [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Manaqib Abi Muhammad al-Hasan – Hadith no. 3809, Vol 5, Page 432].
2. Once, when Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – was in ritual prostration Imam Hassan wrapped himself on the blessed back of Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him. Due to this, Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – lengthened the ritual prostration so that he (Imam Hassan) would not fall when Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) raised his head. [Musnad Abu Ya’la, Musnad Anas bin Malik, Hadith no. 3415, Vol 3, Page 21].
3. Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – declared: “these two sons of mine are the leaders of the youth in Paradise.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Manaqib Abi Muhammad al-Hasan, Hadith no. 3793, Vol. 5, Page 426].
4. Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – has also stated that, “Their friends are my friends, their enemies are my enemies.” [Sunan ibn Maja, kitab al-Sunna, Fadl al Hasan wa al Husain, Hadith no. 143, Vol. 1, Page 96].
5. He has also stated that, “these two are the swords of the heavens.” He has also stated that, “Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. May Allah keep him as a friend who keeps Hussain as his friend. Hussain is a grandchild from among grandchildren.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith no. 3800, Vol. 5, Page 429].
6. It is stated that once, Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – placed Imam Hussain on his right thigh and his own son, Sayyidina Ibrahim on his left thigh. Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) appeared to him and said, “Allah will not keep them both with the Prophet, choose one of them.” Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – could not bear being separated from Imam Hussain and three days later, Sayyidina Ibrahim passed on to the Divine Lord. After this incident, whenever Imam Hussain came in front of him, he used to kiss him and say, ‘Welcome to the one for whom I have sacrificed my own son.’ [Tarikh al-Baghdad, Vol. 2, Page 200].
7. Prophet Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him – has also declared that, “They are my sons and the sons of my daughter. O Allah! I have kept them in my friendship; You also keep them in Your friendship and keep him as Your friend who keeps them as his friends.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Hadith no. 3794, Vol. 5, Page 427].
8. He advised his blessed daughter Fatimah Zahra (sa), “Bring me both my sons.” He used to then smell them and then hug them to his chest. [Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Hadith no. 3797, Vol. 5, Page 428].