Story No. 192 – Favorite Stories: One Night’s Due (Messenger of Allah (saww) and Mother, Mother and Islam)

Someone asked the Messenger of Allah (saww), “Who has the greater right over children, the mother or the father?”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) answered, “The mother’s right is greater than the father’s.” He was asked three times, and each time the answer was the same. The fourth time, Messenger of Allah (saww) said, “The father’s right is next.”


“Why do you give the mother three rights to the father’s one?”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) replied, “Your mother carried you for nine months in her womb, than gave you birth. After that she gave up her sleep for your sleep, suckled you, carried you in her arms, and cleaned you. For years she cooked for you, fed you, and served you food. She did your laundry. When you were forty, fifty, sixty, she still followed your progress with interest. Your father sowed you in your mother’s womb, provided your food, and made sure you had clothes to wear. Can this be compared with your mother’s role?”


And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents – his mother bears him with faintings upon faintings and his weaning takes two years – saying: Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the eventual coming. And if they contend with you that you should associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them, and keep company with them in this world kindly, and follow the way of him who turns to Me, then to Me is your return, then will I inform you of what you did. Noble Qur’an (31:14-15)


The questioner went on, “Well, I wonder if I could ever repay my mother for all the help and service, however much I might do for her?


The Messenger of Allah (saww) replied, “You could not repay so much as one night’s due!”


“But suppose I carry my mother on my back for years, clean up after her, cook for her, and feed her. Suppose I attend to those same services as long as she may live?”


“There will still be this difference between you: your mother looked out for you to live, while you are waiting for her to die.”

Story No. 191 – Favourite Stories: Messenger of Allah (saww) and Mother (Mother and Islam)

At the time of the Messenger of Allah (saww), there was a young man named Alqamah. He was very diligent in obeying Allah by engaging in prayer and fasting and spending in charity. Then he fell ill and his illness became serious. His wife went to the Messenger of Allah (saww) and said, “My husband, Alqamah, is on his deathbed. I therefore came to tell you, Messenger of Allah (saww), about his condition.”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) sent for Ammar ibn Yasir, Suhaib and Bilal ibn Rabah, and told them to go to him (Alqamah) and have him repeat the Shahadah. They went to him and found him in the agony of death. They asked him to say, “La illaha illa Allah,” but his tongue was unable to pronounce it. At that, they came and told the Messenger of Allah (saww) that he was unable to repeat the Shahadah.


The Messenger of Allah (saww) asked, “Is either of his parents alive?”


He was told, “Messenger of Allah (saww), his mother is, but she is very old.”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) sent her a message that if it was convenient for her (if she was able to go out), she should come to him; otherwise she should stay in her house and the Messenger of Allah (saww) would come to her.


The Messenger of Allah’s (saww) messenger came to her and informed her of the Messenger of Allah’s (saww) message. She said, “May my life be a ransom for him, it is my pleasure to go to him!”


She stood up, leaning on her walking stick, and came to the Messenger of Allah (saww) and greeted him. The Messenger of Allah (saww) returned her greeting and said to her, “Umm Alqamah, tell me the truth, for otherwise Allah Most High will reveal the truth to me! What is the situation concerning your son, Alqamah?”


She replied, “Messenger of Allah (saww), he prays much, fasts a great deal, and spends a great amount in charity.”


Holy Prophet Muhammad (saww) and MotherThe Messenger of Allah (saww) said, “And what about yourself?”


She said, “Messenger of Allah (saww), I am angry with him.”


He said, “Why?”


She replied, “Messenger of Allah (saww), he has preferred his wife to me and has disobeyed me.”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) said, “Umm Alqamah, surely your anger has prevented Alqamah’s tongue from pronouncing the Shahadah.”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) then turned to Bilal ibn Rabah and said, “Bilal, go out and collect a quantity of firewood.”


She said, “Messenger of Allah (saww), what do you plan to do?” The Messenger of Allah (saww) replied, “I will burn him in front of your eyes.”


She said, “Messenger of Allah (saww), he is my son! My heart cannot bear your burning him in front of me!”


The Messenger of Allah (saww) said, “Umm Alqamah, Allah’s punishment is more severe and more lasting! Therefore, if you want Allah to forgive him, be reconciled to him. By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, the prayer, fasting, and spending in charity (which he has done) are of no benefit to Alqamah as long as you are angry with him!”


Thereupon she said, “Messenger of Allah (saww), I call upon Allah Most High and His angels and the Muslims who are present to be my witnesses that I am pleased with my son Alqamah.”


Shahadah in IslamThe Messenger of Allah (saww) said, “Bilal, go to him and see whether he is now able to say, “La illaha illa Allah” or not. It may be that Umm Alqamah is saying something for my sake which is not in her heart.”


Bilal ibn Rabah went, and while entering the door he heard Alqamah saying, “La illaha illa Allah.”


Bilal ibn Rabah remarked, “It is surely true that while Alqamah’s mother was angry with him his tongue was tied, and now that she is pleased with him his tongue is freed.”


Alqamah died the same day. The Messenger of Allah (saww) came to him and gave the order for his washing and shrouding, and then prayed the funeral prayer for him and buried him. The Messenger of Allah (saww) then stood by the side of his grave and said, “You company of Muhajirun (Emigrants) and Ansar (Helpers), if anyone favors his wife over his mother, Allah and His angels and all the people curse him! Allah does not accept his spending (in charity) and his uprightness unless he repents toward Allah, the Glorious and Majestic, and reconciles with her and attains her pleasure, because Allah’s pleasure consists in her pleasure and Allah’s anger consists in her anger.”


We must always be respectful and obedient to our parents. However, we are not to obey them if they order us to disobey Allah and His Messenger of Allah (saww). Other than this, they deserve our utmost attention and respect.


O our Lord! grant me protection and my parents and the believers on the day when the reckoning shall come to pass! Noble Qur’an (14:41)

Story No. 190 – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Anecdote about Three Friends

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Anecdote about Three FriendsOnce the Messenger of Allah (SWT), was sitting amidst his companions (Sahabah) in the mosque, when all of a sudden Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “Today I shall narrate a story to you all, which will reveal three riddles for all of you to solve”. This hushed the crowd and they all listened to what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had to say.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) continued by saying that once a man got to know that the days in his life was numbered and very soon he would be confronted with death. With this knowledge he feared his loneliness in the grave and went searching for true friends who would help and accompany him.


He knocked on the door of his first friend and asked whether he would help. To this the friend said, “of course, what are we here for.” But then the man went on to say that he had very few days to live after which he required help. As soon as he uttered this statement, his first friend said “I am sorry but when death does us apart, there is nothing we can do for you but buy you a place in the graveyard and some cloth /shroud (Kafan) to cover your dead body.” Grieved but looking forward to his next friend, the man moved on.


On the second door, when he came face to face with his second friend, and after narrating the entire story of his death and asked for help, the same answer was his fate again. The second friend said “I have been there with you all your life and can help you here. But there’s nothing I can do for you after you die except take your corpse to the graveyard and bury you.”


Lost in agony and despair, he headed for the third friend, very sure that he would receive the same answer but there was a tinge of hope left. When he confronted the third friend, and told him that he required help, the friend eagerly volunteered to help. But the man continued to say that I need help after I die. To which the third friend replied, “Do not worry, my dear friend! I shall accompany you to the grave, be there with you in the grave, even when the angels arrive for questioning (Munkar and Nakir), then assist you on the Pul-e-Sirat (bridge) and then lead you to heaven. “To this the man heaved a sigh of relief and then passed away in peace.”


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) then turned and asked his companions if anybody could identify the three friends and the man. When the prevailing silence didn’t dissolve, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) continued to say, “The man in the anecdote is any other human being.” The first friend is “money/wealth”, things that help us only in life and not after we die.


The second friend is our “family/children/sons and daughters”, we strive for them all our life and all they give us is a shoulder to the grave.


And the third and most important friend is “Aamal (deeds)”. Who accompany us all the way through.


Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)Moral of the Story: Do not strive for materialistic values that will give you nothing and help you in no way in your eternal life. But work hard and pray and ask forgiveness from Allah (SWT). The good deeds assist mankind where every other thing loses value in the life hereafter!


Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):


“There are three friends of Human being – Wealth, Family and His Aamal”.


“Whoever rectifies his hereafter affairs, Allah (SWT) will rectify his worldly affairs and whoever rectifies what is between him and Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) will rectify what is between him and [the] people.”


“At the moment when the coffin of a person is being lifted and carried, the concerning soul follows its corpse and regretfully calls: ‘O you my children and my relatives! Beware that the world does not cheat you as it did me. I gathered wealth regardless of it being lawful or unlawful and left all of it for others. Now I am left with its burden upon me while they enjoy the fruit of it; therefore, avoid that which is similar to what happened to me’.”

Story No. 189 – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Bedouin

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Bedouin A Bedouin entered Madinah, and went directly to the Masjid, so that he may get some money or gold from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). When he arrived, he saw Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sitting among his companions (Sahabah). He asked his need. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave him something. Bedouin was not content, and moreover he used harsh and inappropriate language against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The companions became very angry, and were ready to hurt him. But Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prevented them from haste.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) took the Bedouin to his home, and gave him some more. The Bedouin saw that the residence of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wasn’t like those of the heads of governments, and there is no luxury in his home.


The Bedouin became content with the share, and thanked Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). At this time, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked him: “You said a harsh word yesterday, which caused anger in my companions. I fear that they will hurt you. Would you be willing to show your appreciation in front of them, so that their anger be resolved, and they don’t hurt you?” The Bedouin said: “Sure.”


The next day, the Bedouin came to the Masjid. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) addressed his companions: “This man says, he is content with his share, is it true?” The Bedouin said: “That is true.” Then he repeated the appreciation that he had shared with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the companions smiled.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) addressed the group: “The parable of me and these types of individuals is like that of the man whose camel was running away from him. With the [thought] they could help the owner, people were running after the camel. The camel was frightened and ran faster. The owner called on the people, please leave my camel alone, I know better how to calm it. When the people stopped chasing the camel, the owner followed it calmly, with a fistful of grass. Then without the need for running, yelling, he showed the grass to it.”

Story No. 188 – Dialogue between Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and a Traveler

A traveler once came to the mosque to see Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). After greeting Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Traveler: I do not want punishment (Azaab) to be written in my account.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Behave well with your parents.

Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Fear Allah (SWT) always.

Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah’s (SWT) favorites.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Recite Noble Qur’an every morning and evening.

Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened (Roshan and Munawar).
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Never forget death.

Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah’s (SWT) blessing.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always treat fellow creatures well.

Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always have faith in Allah (SWT) only.

Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Be careful of your actions.

Traveler: I wish to live long.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always do good towards blood relations (Sile Rahm).

Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always be in ablution (Wudu).

Traveler: I wish to stay free of punishment (Azaab) in the grave.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always wear pure (Paak) clothes.

Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Control your eyes and tongue.

Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven?
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always ask forgiveness from Allah (SWT) with a lot of humility.

Traveler: I want people to respect me always.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Never extend your hands of need at people.

Traveler: I want to always be honored.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Never humiliate or put down anyone.

Traveler: I don’t want to be squeezed in the grave (Fishar-e-Qabr).
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Recite Sura-e-Mulk often.

Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Recite Sura-e-Waqia every night.

Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on Day of Judgment.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Do remembrance (Zikr) of Allah (SWT) from dusk to night.

Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during prayer (Namaaz).
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always do ablution (Wudu) with concentration and attention.

Note: The reward for Sile Rahm has been described by Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in one of his traditions. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) says: “When a person goes towards his relatives so that he can fulfill his rights with his life and his wealth, Allah (SWT) bestows upon him the reward of a martyr at every step he takes. He (Allah) writes down forty thousand Hasana (the unit of Divine rewards) and He erases forty thousand of his sins and He elevates him by forty thousand grades. The person achieves the position of one who has worshipped Allah (SWT) for a hundred years.”

At another place Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) says, regarding the rewards for Sile Rahm: “The reward for Sadaqah in the way of Allah (SWT) is ten times, whereas the reward for giving a loan is twelve times (because in giving a loan the dignity of the Loaned is maintained). The reward for the good behavior to the believing brothers is twelve times and the reward for Sile Rahm is twenty four times.”


Story No. 187 – Salaam (Peace be on you) as taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

And when those who believe in Our communications come to you, say: Peace be on you, your Lord has ordained mercy on Himself… Noble Qur’an (6:54)


Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sitting one day with his Companions (Sahabah) and they were talking together. A person came in without asking permission and didn’t even offer his Salaam (Islamic Greeting).


“Why didn’t you say Salaam (Peace be on you)?” and “Why didn’t you ask permission to come in?” questioned Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).


“Go back. Ask our permission and greet us with your Salaam (Peace be on you) before you come in,” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) instructed.


Regarding Salaam (Islamic Greeting), Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has told us:


O Muslims! You will not enter Paradise unless you are kind to each other, unless you warmly say Salaam (Peace be on you) to each other whenever you meet.


Always say Salaam (Peace be on you) in a loud voice and reply in the same way.


Allah (SWT) loves most the person who says Salaam (Peace be on you) first and gives him better rewards and blessings. First give your Salaam (Peace be on you), then say whatever you have to say.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “When you meet each other then initiate greeting (Salaam) and embrace; and when you separate from each other, then depart with seeking forgiveness.”


Imam Hussain ibn Ali (as) said: “Seventy rewards is the share of the one who initiates a ‘greeting (Salaam)’ and only one reward belongs to the one who returns the ‘greeting (Salaam)’.” (When two people see each other, the initiator of the exchange of greetings receives a greater reward.)


Imam Sadiq (as) said: “He who initiates a greeting is more beloved with Allah (SWT) and His Messenger.”


Note: Salaam – An Arabic word meaning peace and greetings, which Muslims uses in everyday life as per the teachings of Islam.

Story No. 186 – Beautiful teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): Always Tell the Truth


Always Tell the TruthTelling the truth is a very good habit. If you always speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of trouble! Here is a story of a man who did a lot of bad things, but his promise to tell the truth saved him.


Once a man came to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and said, “O Messenger of Allah (SWT), I have many bad habits. Which one of them should I give up first?” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Give up telling lies first and always speak the truth.” The man promised to do so and went home.


At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out, he thought for a moment about the promise he made with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). “If tomorrow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asks me where have I been, what shall I say? Shall I say that I went out stealing? No, I cannot say that. But nor can I lie. If I tell the truth, everyone will start hating me and call me a thief. I would be punished for stealing.”


So the man decided not to steal that night, and gave up this bad habit of stealing.


Next day, he felt like drinking alcohol, when he was about to do so, he said to himself, “What shall I say to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) if he asks me what did I do during the day? I cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will hate me, because a Muslim is not allowed to drink alcohol.” And so he gave up the idea of drinking alcohol.


In this way, whenever the man thought of doing something bad, he remembered his promise to tell the truth at all times. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a good Muslim and a very good person.


If you always speak the truth, you can be a good person, a good Muslim whom Allah (SWT) likes and favors. If Allah (SWT) – our Creator – is pleased with us, He will reward us with Heaven, which is a place of happiness and joy.


Moral of the Story: Make a promise; I shall always speak the truth and never break it.

Story No. 185 – Rasulallah (saw) and Abu Haitham ibn Tayyahan [Justice and Rasulallah (saw)]

Rasulallah (saw) had promised one of his companions, Abu Haitham ibn Tayyahan that he (saw) would present him with a slave.


Incidentally it so happened that three captives were brought before him – two of whom he (saw) gifted away while one remained with him.


Meanwhile his daughter Fatima al-Zahra (sa) approached him and requested: “O’ Prophet of Allah (SWT)! Can you grant me a slave or an assistant? Do you not see the effects of the hand mill upon my hands?”


At that moment Rasulallah (saw) suddenly recollected his promise to Abu Haitham ibn Tayyahan and said to himself: “Since I had previously promised Abu Haitham ibn Tayyahan, how can I grant my daughter precedence over him, even though my daughter turns the hand mill with her weak and delicate hands?”

Story No. 184 – Rasulallah (saw) and Surah Al-Kauthar / Surah al Kawther (Abundance)

Rasulallah (saw) and Surah Al-Kauthar / Surah al Kawther (Abundance)You should never think that you have more than someone else, because there might come a time when that person has more than you. Remember it is through the blessing of Allah (SWT) that you have what you have.


Fatima al-Zahra (sa) was born to Khadija tul Kubra (sa) and Rasulallah (saw). Before her birth, Rasulallah (saw) had had two sons, Qasim and Tahir, but both boys had died when they were babies.


Rasulallah (saw) had started teaching the message of Islam and had made many enemies. As a result, some of the unbelievers began to make fun of him at the death of his sons, calling him “Abtar”.


The word Abtar means an animal that has no tail – and was meant to say that Rasulallah (saw) was tail-less because he had no children to carry on his family.


Thus, when Fatima al-Zahra (sa) was born, the following chapter (Surah) of Noble Qur’an was revealed:


“In the Name of Allah, the most Kind, the most Merciful. Surely (O Muhammad) We have given you Kausar, Therefore pray to your Lord and make a sacrifice. Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity (Abtar).” Surah al-Kauthar, (108:1-3)


When Rasulallah (saw) was asked what al-Kauthar meant, he replied that it was a stream in heaven and the man who would give water from that stream to the believers was Imam Ali (as). He then said that al-Kauthar also meant abundance, and the birth of Fatima al-Zahra (sa) signified that, through her, his descendants would be in abundance.


The promise of Allah (SWT) was certainly true because today, there are countless descendants (Sayyid) of Rasulallah (saw) spread throughout the world, while there is nobody who claims to be a descendant of the Quraish. Thus the enemies of Rasulallah (saw) were those who became truly “Abtar”.


This Surah in Noble Qur’an is thus a reference to Aal-E-Muhammad (saw) through Fatima al-Zahra (sa).

Story No. 183 – Rasulallah (saw) is the supreme example of a family man

Rasulallah (saw) is the supreme example of a family man. He was a loving husband, an affectionate father and a doting grandfather. As long as the faithful Khadija tul Kubra (sa) was alive, he never took another wife. Even later on in life, when he had married several women, he used to cherish the loving memory of the faithful Khadija tul Kubra (sa).


His marriages were not for pleasure, but were a humanitarian means to further the cause of Islam, as is evident from the women he married. In the case of Sawda, Umm Salama and Zainab bint Khuzaima, it was to take care of poor and helpless widows well in their middle ages, while the marriage to Juwairiyah was to grant her freedom from captivity. Still others such as those to Umm Habiba, Safiya, Ayesha, Hafsa and Maimoona were meant for uniting some prominent Arab tribes, who were often at loggerheads with each other, and also to safeguard the internal political status of the newfound Islamic State. And the marriage to Zainab bint Jahsh was for the sake of enacting a new law, because she was the divorcee of his adopted son Zaid bin Harithah. As the Noble Qur’an testifies, Rasulallah (saw) married her in order to put an end to the prevalent belief that adopted sons were like real sons and that wives or widows of adopted sons were like daughter-in-laws. In short, the philosophy behind his marriages was entirely revolutionary and ushered in positive changes in ignorant Arabia.


Rasulallah (saw) was an affectionate father and his surviving child, daughter Fatima al-Zahra (sa), was dearer to him than life. His famous saying (Hadith): “Fatima is a part of me, and whoever annoys her (in fact) annoys me,” stands as a firm testimony to this fact. History is a witness that he used to stand up to greet his daughter. Many prominent and wealthy Arabs had approached him for Fatima al-Zahra’s (sa) hand, but he politely refused them, and according to divine commandment married her to his faithful cousin Imam Ali (as). Hence Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali (as) were the parents of his two grandsons Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Husayn (as); through whom the continuity of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) noble progeny has been ensured. Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Husayn (as) were the apple of his eyes and he affectionately doted on them. They used to play with him and accompany him to the mosque. Once when the two grandsons were seated on his shoulders, a companion (Sahabi) remarked: “What and excellent mount”, to which Rasulallah (saw) retorted “What excellent riders too”.


Thus, Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) behavior with his illustrious household (Ahlul Bayt) is a lesson for us. It was not blind love of a doting father or grandfather as some may misinterpret but was something divinely ordained as is clear from several verses of the Noble Qur’an and the following ahadith:


Rasulallah (saw) is reported to have said that “whoever loves them [his grandsons] loves me and whoever hates them hates me”, “al-Hasan and al-Husayn are the chiefs of the youth of Paradise and Fatima is the chief of their women”, “al-Husayn is from me and I am from him.” Rasulallah (saw) looked toward Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan and al-Husayn, and then said, “I am in war with those who will fight you, and in peace with those who are peaceful to you.”


Therefore, it is obligatory for all Muslims to love and respect his chosen family, and adhere to their radiant path, which is the only way to save the Ummah (Muslim Community or Nation) from pitfalls. Praise be to Almighty Allah (SWT), the Lord of the Universe.

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